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Getting out of school, he reached home and saw the news on every broadcasting channel – the same thing everywhere. Strange occurrences were being discussed: if spotted, close your eyes, or risk losing your life. Despite the warnings, he didn't believe in what eluded his sight; he laughed at the matter.

Collecting his things, he went to join friends with whom he had a prior engagement. Upon opening the front door, disbelief washed over him as he witnessed an inhuman figure seated on the fire hydrant. Closing his eyes instantly, numerous thoughts raced through his mind, yet he lacked the time to process them. Only the screams of agony from his home reached his ears.

He immediately grasped what had happened, but indifference set in; no lingering emotions tied him to that house. The dream he had longed for had finally materialized – he could no longer see the face of the one consuming his life from the inside out. A deep breath symbolized the freedom he had attained, and he commenced walking.

For the first time in his life, gratitude for a photographic memory overwhelmed him. As he walked, he tried to recall the street layers and searched for the nearest store he could remember. However, with every step, the sensation of bodies beneath his feet grew stronger.

After 30 minutes of walking, he arrived at the store. Upon entering, he walked towards the surveillance mirror. Opening his eyes, he inspected the mirror, fortunately finding nothing.

Taking a deep breath, he searched for the item that could aid him the most in this horrific scenario. Gathering all the necessities he needed, he found what he sought – a small mirror that became his eyes. He then headed to the front door. However, as he took a step forward, the sound of the door opening reached him. Kneeling down and hiding behind the counter, he took out the small mirror to observe who had entered.

A large man in his late 20s stepped in. What intrigued Aiden Chax was what the man was wearing: infrared glasses used by the army.

To be continued...

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