Strawberry Love 🍓❤

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Male Reader POV - The next morning I began to yawn waking up noticing Balan wasn't laying with me for some reason it pained my heart. Then out of nowhere I began to hear humming and what sounded like a chopping sound confused my body made it's way out of bed rubbing my eyes still trying to wake up before heading out to the kitchen.


Male Reader POV - When I got to the kitchen I saw Balan on what he appeared to be doing was cooking. I raised and eyebrow but said nothing smelling the sweet aroma of food and coffee in the air drooling alittle. "He certainly made himself at home" but who was I to complain he then turned to me giving a warm smile as I made my way sitting at a table across from him.

Balan - Good morning love

Male Reader - Uhh morning..?

Male Reader POV - I had a puzzled look seeing Balan place a plate of what appeared to be a cheese omelet and coffee. My eyes went wide on how it was made looking back up at Balan as he began to sit next to me making his own plate.

Male Reader - H-how did you know I like my eggs like this?!

Balan - I already told you we've been together before I'm aware of all your likes,dislikes...your wants and needs

Male Reader POV - I blushed alittle still not able to comprehend any of this but somewhere in the back of my mind it seemed Balan and I were together. At one point at first it was looking like a plot just to get with me but the more I think about it the more he's seems accurate with my life.

Male Reader - Thankyou for breakfast

Balan - Of course *smiles*

Male Reader POV - grabbing the silverware I gently cut into the omelet seeing how spongey and light the texture was before taking a bit tears instantly formed dropping the knife and fork grabbing my head.

Balan POV - I looked over alarmed seeing (Y/N) in pain quickly dropping my fork pulling him close rubbing the side of his head and neck.

Balan - Darling are you alright?! *frowns*

Male Reader POV - I began to calm down sighing heavily as the pain subsided looking up at Balan as he gave me a worried expression.

Male Reader - I'm fine *frowns*

Balan - It most certainly didn't look like it!

Male Reader - *nods* I'm fine I promise

Balan POV - Worried but slowly nodded my head patting (Y/N) back as he picked up his fork taking another bite of his eggs I slowly took a sip of my coffee.

Balan - Sweetheart maybe after this we can spend some time together?

Male Reader POV - I thought for a moment and smiled alittle.

Male Reader - Well we do have a Strawberry festival happening later today if you want to go with me?

Balan - *nods* that sounds lovely

Balan POV - I remembered when me and (Y/N) were picking strawberries together before he left me recreating memories like that would bring warmth back into my heart.


Male Reader POV - Me and Balan were walking around the festival my eyes lit up seeing all the concession stands and rides looking up I saw Balan's face twisted in confusion.

Male Reader - Balan what's wrong?

Balan - It's nothing dear *smiles*

Male Reader POV - I grew concerned but then giggled shaking my head understanding what had him confused.

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