"Come in" I called, unsteadily, making sure I looked somewhat decent.

After all, I did just get done crying.

"Hey baby girl" he called.

"Christopher, what chu doing back here?" I asked.

"Sexy women attract sexy men. I felt ya presence ma" he cheesed.

I blushed a little bit and chuckled.

It was an awkward silence.... 😨

"Chris, you're such a flirt" I told him.

"And you're beautiful" he whispered, placing his hand on my thigh, slowly creeping it up to my magic box.

"Chris..." I called out, placing my hand on top of his before he reached her.

"Hmm?" He grumbled, picking me up and kinda slamming me on my desk.

"I know you want it just as bad as I do Justice" he whispered in my ear, pecking my neck swiftly afterwards.

Truth be told, I did want it.

I moaned in his ear as he continued to kiss and suck on my neck.

"Chris, we can't" I stated breathlessly in his ear.

Pushing him back a little, I locked eyes with him. 👀💦👀💦👀💦 They were full of lust, and most likely mine were as well.

I cleared my throat after standing up. He was still towering over me, but I smiled gently and pushed past him... Making my way towards the door.

"See ya later!" I chimed shyly.

He bit his lip and nodded before walking out.

I kinda feel as though I should have let it happen. But.... I'm not supposed to interact with my patients other than for the sake of helping their problem. Having sex with him would have completely defeated the purpose. So, no. I did the right thing! RIGHT?!!


A nigga was hella lonely. Wasn't nobody up in this bitch besides Chris horny ass. I don't talk to men while they shit solid. It make me feel uncomfortable as fuck.

Anyways, I really needed a damn blunt. I ain't had one of dem bitches in a lil minute fam. 😭😩 👀 I wonder if Chris strapped.

I got up and walked out the room, turning the corner of the hall and bumping into Ms. Peace making lady.

"Ma bad" I apologized, looking down.

"Oh, no I'm sorry" she said, apologetically.

I looked into her eyes and seen a hint of lust gleaming.

I smirked slightly and she bit her lip, looking down.

"Um, you need something?" She asked, sounding hella nervous.

"Where's Chris?" I asked, smiling creepily at her.

"I don't know" she responded, quickly.

Lying ass. 🙊

"K" I said, sliding her out my way and walking towards the exit of the building.

"Where are you going?" She called after me.

"For a smoke" I said, nonchalantly.

"You're not supposed to smoke. That's what you're in for" she spat.

I turned around and peeped that her hands were on her hips and she looked slightly upset. No lie lil mama was bad. But, I think I'm feeling Alisha a lot 😏💦🙌

"I'm fine" I spat back, walking out the door.

I heard her sigh in frustration and disappear down the hall.

"Hmm" I heard once I got outside.

I turned around to see Chris puffin on a fat ass blunt. He took a long drag and handed it to me.

"G" I called, taking a drag after him.

"You hit?" I asked, passing the blunt back to him.

"Nah, soon tho" he chuckled.


"Alisha" I heard after me.

I turned around and Ciara was limping over to me.

"Give these to Chris for me" she asked, slipping something into my hand, folding my fingers into my palm.

"Ok, what is I-" I started.

"Shh" she smirked before leaving me standing in the middle of the floor.

Underwear?!? Dirty bitch! 😷😖

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