Chapter 1: Reunion? Not exactly...

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Sitting on the ground, you clutch your stomach in pain. Everyone else is on the ground too, it was from the second origin thing that you all got, to amp up your magic power. Of course Erza is fine though, she probably already had her Second Origin.

"I've never been to a city this big before," says Natsu.

Crocus is big, since you're so used to Magnolia and it's smaller population. This was a huge change in effect. You look around and notice all the people and tall buildings. As you keep looking around, your eyes come across to other members of the guild.

"You've finally made it," says the Master.

"Master!" you all exclaim.

You are really close to the Master. He knows just about everything about your life, before you joined the guild. Since you are a Dragonslayer and your dragon parent disappeared, the Master is almost like another parent to you. Well more like a Grandpa, he is older.

In front of you at the moment is the Master, Levy, Jet, Droy, Bisca, Alzack, and Asuka.

"You guys better show how strong Fairy Tail really is!" the Master exclaims.

You suddenly hear people whispering nasty things about the guild, they start to laugh too. You're angry, but you contain your anger and keep a calm attitude. Whenever you hear people bad mouthing the guild and your friends, you can't help but get mad.

"Who's laughing?" asks Natsu.

"Calm down," says Erza calmly.

The people keep talking and Natsu starts to get really pissed off. You stand there calmly, even though these people are really starting to get on your nerves. You feel pretty much the same as Natsu right now.

"Just let anyone who wants to laugh, laugh," says the Master. Then Happy starts to laugh, and Leera your exceed, flicks his head.

"Don't laugh!" Leera exclaims.

Then everyone focuses their attention back to why you're all really there, and starts to converse about the games. You found out that they're different every year, so you have no idea what's to come at all. The Master gives Erza a large book, that seems to hold the rules. It's too big for her to read all in one night. Levy takes it from her, and reads it with her windreading glasses. After she's done reading she explains the basis of it.

"So the main rules are the guild master is not allowed to participate, only members with the guild emblem can participate, and they won't be telling us the events until before it happens," she explains.

"Not much to worry about," you say.

"Oh wait, there's one more thing," Levy says.

You all look at her closely, "It's says that all participants must be back at their designated inn by midnight,"

"Back by midnight, that's weird," you say.

Erza has a thinking look on her face, you notice that she's probably thinking the same thing. Well you know Erza well, and if she doesn't seemed too worried then there's not much to worry about.

"Well let's go around and explore! It's not everyday we get to visit a big city!" exclaims Natsu, and he starts to run away. Happy and Lucy follow after him.

Erza shouts towards them, "Make sure you're back by midnight!" Erza has a worried look on her face.

"Don't worry Erza, they'll be back," you say patting her shoulder. She smiles at you, and then you run off into a different direction with Leera, "I'll make sure they're back!" you exclaim.

Avoiding That Dragon Slayer (Sting Eucliffe x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now