Chapter 2

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Naruko POV
I woke up. I did my usual routine. Then I began to think as to what i should wear. 'Hey matatabi, any advice on what should I wear?' "Hmm, maybe that one, it suits you and is also good in battle plus you can even fight in high heels. So that's my choice." 'hmm your right so I'll make this my everyday outfit.'

(Outfit Number 10 and the shoes are high heels and fingerless gloves)

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(Outfit Number 10 and the shoes are high heels and fingerless gloves).

I look good. I went out to see that kushina was making breakfast and minato was in the shower. "Good morning Kushina." I said. "wow, you look so beautiful in that outfit. I'm jealous." She turned around and and complimented me. "Your just flattering me. You'll look more beautiful in this than me." I said. We both started talking and minato came and I greeted him good morning. He did the same and told me that I was now in his team as per the Hokage's order. We ate. Me and minato made our way to the training ground 7. The villagers were complimenting me in their whispers, at least that's not a bad thing. Just as I turned the corner, I bumped into a 3-4 year old kid. "Oh I'm sorry are you alright, child." I said and bent down to his height. I looked at him and immediately knew who he was. He was non-other than itachi uchiha. "I'm sorry it was my fault, beautiful miss." He said and bowed. "No no it was mine, I wasn't looking, Don't bow please." I said as I waved my hands. Just then a woman came calling itachi's name, I looked and saw that it was sasuke's mom Mikoto uchiha. "I'm sorry for the trouble he caused, miss." "It's no problem ma'am." "Naruko why'd you stop here." "Oh I just bumped into this cute kid." I said as I patted itachi's head and he blushed. "oh you know this girl minato, is she related to kushina?" Mikoto asked. After the introductions, she seemed to like me. We made our way to the training field. "Your late sensei." Kakashi said. "Sorry it was my fault I got lost in the path of life that I made minato late." I said, Kakashi looked at me like I was crazy. Minato was trying really hard not to show the smirk forming on his face. 'looks like Kakashi's finally got a match.' "Humph, that's the lamest excuse I've ever heard even worse than obitos" he said crossing his arms. "You seem to take your comrades for granted, little man." I said and the four people stopped dead in there tracks. "What did you say?" "I said the right thing little man." "What do you mean by that?!" "I mean that you focus so much on the rules that you forget everything." "What?! Following rules isn't wrong?!" "it isn't but too much of something can be dangerous." I gave minato a signal as to not interfere and he nodded. "I'm saying that if you don't have teamwork with your comrades, it will result in your downfall." "And how do you know that?!" Kakashi retorted. "Like this! Kill Rin Nohara or Obito Uchiha dies!" I grabbed obito and placed a kunai on his neck. All of them paled. But minato didn't interfere as he knew what I was doing was right for the team. "Do it or else!" I yelled and drew the kunai closer. Kakashi looked like hell. His brain was going a mile a second but all of the answers were again and again coming to kill Rin or let obito die when he saw the seriousness in my eyes. "Humph! This is what happens when you don't have teamwork in your team." I said as I pulled my kunai back and let obito go. "In a ninja's life it's always a do or die situation and you can't choose die. If the team doesn't have cordination and teamwork than that team always dies in situation like these. So its important to have teamwork. I have seen such situations and have been there and also managed to get out of them too. And that was all because my team had teamwork. So think about it little man, if there's no team left then how are you even going to even think of completing the mission." After my lecture he looked deep in thought. "You can think all you want after we get our mission. Let's go." I said and went to the Hokage tower's direction. They came out of their shocked state and followed me and minato.

In the Hokage Office
"Alright we've got a report that there are kiri nins in the small village on the fire country's border, you have to check if the info is true or not." Third said looking at a paper. "But lord third we just came back." "Sorry minato but we're short on teams so you have to take this mission. And also I got the info that one of them is 8 tails jinchuriki." He finished and our eyes widened. He gave me a look and I nodded. "Your to only check if the info is true and report back to me through a letter and then I'll give you further instructions and also avoid the 8 tails jinchuriki as much as possible. Your dismissed, pack for a months travel." He said and handed minato the mission scroll. On the way out of the tower, we met the guy who I never wanted to see Danzo Shimura. "You three genins go, I need to talk to the two adults." He shooed the three and looked at us. "I need you to kill the 8 tails jinchuriki if you encounter it." He said with so little authority I was going to puke. "Sorry, but we can not as we're ordered by the Hokage to only check if the info is true or not and then send him a letter to get further instructions." I said before minato had a chance to speak. "How dare you defy my orders?!" He said in a threatening voice. "Sorry to say but we're only following the Hokage's orders, or do you want us to not follow the Hokages orders, won't that be treason, lord Danzo?" I say in a calm voice. His face visibly paled. Heh that's what you get. "We should get going to get ready for the mission. goodbye lord Danzo." I say and grabbed minato's hand shunshinned to the weapons shop. "Why are we here?" "Well I need weapons for the mission. My last one's got lost God knows where when I was ambushed." I explained and we got in. I bought a bow and arrow.

And a katana with the Uzumaki symbol

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And a katana with the Uzumaki symbol. The shop keeper said that the katana was Mito Uzumaki's and since Kushina retired, he kept it in the shop. I bought 50 shurikens and kunais. I told minato that I'll pay since I had my parents money in my wrist seal. "How do you have so much money?" He asked with a suspicious eye. "Well my father was a trader and he was very rich. so before I left I drew a seal on my wrist and put the money in it." I explained and he nodded. We made our way towards the apartment. Kushina had prepared everything we needed for the mission and sent us off. We were 1 hour late since I had to buy weapons. 'Guys what do you think kakashi would say?' "he would probably say that you shouldn't be late for missions." Kurama replied. 'What should I say as an excuse this time?' "I know use his own excuses!!" Shukaku said this time. I nodded in the inside of my mind. We saw the team at the gates. Obito waved and Rin eye smiled which I both returned. "Your late again." Kakashi said as we stood before them. "Ah sorry I got lost in the passage of time, then there was this old lady that needed help so me and minato helped her and then a black cat crossed our path so we had to take the long road." I say with his own famous eye smile and scratch the back of my head.
(A/N please press the star if you like the story).

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