A lot changed

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"Kid? What the hell!?" Eda was surprised.

"Wow, Eda?!" You were surprised too.

"I missed you so much!" You hugged her

She replied hugging you back and having a smile on the face.

"You look amazing!"

"Hah! Kid I know I'm fabulous!" Eda said playfully

"You grew up,... a lot"

"I believe your still the same"

She sighs for a second "listen Y/n, a lot changed since you left.." It was pain in her voice, she was sad.

"What exactly changed?"

"You see a friend of mine, I probably told you some years ago"

"Is he in trouble??!"

"More like he was" she was hurt.

"No, we need to save him"

"Look there are tough times right now, Belos made his move and hurt a lot of witches"

"No way, he'll pay. I'm here to save everyone and your friend"

"Hood... hoot..."

"Hoody!" You ran and hugged the owl tube.

"I missed you buddy" 

He was a little more older then you remembered.

"Hey! What the heck is with this noise?"

You ran and hugged king

He changed, he was a little older.

"Look I don't know who the hell you are, but stay away from me!"

You were hurt by his words, he didn't remembered you.

"King? Is me, Y/n" you hoped he'll remember.

"Y-y/n?" He hugged you.

You hugged back.

"Where are Luz and Amity?"

"They are... amm... at Willow" Hoody replied.


"I wanna go say hi"

You turned to go on the path to Willow's house.

"Oh, Morning!" A blonde haired guy said, he looked around your age, with red or pink eyes"

"Hi! Y/n!" You waited for him to shake your hand.

"A... H-Hunter.." he shakes your hand.

"I'm going to the owl lady, let's catch up later"

"Sure!" You bid goodbye and run.

Some minutes later you arrived at her house.

Y/n pov.

I took a deep breath and knocked at the door.

As I was waiting I noticed somethings changed, some not.

Willows house is as I remember


Sorry for not updating I started school so It was hard :)

There's Magic In My Heart|| Book II the returnKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat