Chapter 8: Sunshine in The Pass

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Tadashi's POV

It was quite a drive, but we made it. Austin, Texas. The Capitol. It was quite a city, from its tall skyscrapers to its large capitol building. We drove on the highway. She said that we would just be passing through the city, rather than staying a while, because her family knew her plans. She also mentioned that we wouldn't be stopping in Galveston for the same reason.

Why was she so nervous, besides the residing fact that Juan and her family were trying to force her to wed with someone she didn't love. We passed through it quickly and since we had been driving all day, we decided to stop in Houston for a rest.
Houston was just as impressive, with its monuments and battleship. She took me to the San Jacinto Monument, where Texas won its independence from Mexico. I loved the view at the top of the building. You could see the entire battleground and, out in the bay, the Battleship Texas. We went to see the battleship, but by the time we got there it was closed. So we left. We spent the night in another hotel. In the morning, she took me to one quick stop at the Kennedy Space Center. She showed me her designs and improvements to the shuttle that she had created. It was quite interesting.
After a while, we left Houston and headed to San Antonio. She said that no matter what, I had to see the Alamo. And I did. It was sad, yet beautiful. The design of the church, the heroic story, and the greatest heros (Davy Crockett, William Travis, Jim Bowie, etc.). After San Antonio, she took me to a border town. Laredo. It was a small, poor town, but she loved it. It made her cry to see it all rundown and sad-looking. The buses and cars ran through the town to cross the border to Mexico.

Later she drove us to El Paso. The final destination. There wasn't much to see on the way to El Paso. Just desert and mountains. Don't get me wrong, I love the mountains but they were everywhere. We moved along through the mountains and towards the city.
When we arrived in El Paso she told me that now we would be heading to San Fransokyo. That's when it started raining. It was rare for it to rain in El Paso. I heard her singing as she stared at the horizon, where there was a line of blue sky at the cloud's edge. It was turning orange and red, as the sun was beginning to set (driving across Texas took a while). She started humming softly and then out of her mouth came a small tune.

You are my Sunshine,
My only Sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.

I recognized the song. I racked my brain for the lyrics to the song and then they popped into my head. And I began to sing softly when she stopped.

The other night, dear,
As I lay sleeping,
I dreamt I held you in my arms.
When I awoken,
I was mistaken,
So I held my head
And cried.

A small smile appeared on her face as she began to sing with me. We both just sat there in the car, staring out at the horizon, singing.

You are my Sunshine,
My only Sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.

The Ninja and the Ranger ((Sequel to "More than just a hat")) ((BH6 fanfic))Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant