"Has my daughter been treating you well in her guild?"

Ruy laughed, "She has been treating me very well."

Edaline smiled, "Good. I would give herself one heck of an earful if she wasn't treating her employees properly."

Right. Employee.

It was quite jarring to hear the proper and crisp tone of the elves compared to the bawdy and cursing mouths of Vatarians. It is hard to believe Sophie lived with this couple for so many years.

Ruy dropped the shirt when Edaline snipped off the last bandage. He needed to be smart about this. The Neverseen were probably still looking for him and Seamus. If he left now, he could be leading them right to him for an early death.

"If you don't mind Mrs. Ruewen, I should probably stay here for a few days. Just to make sure the Neverseen are off my back before I return to the guildhall."

Edaline smiled, "Of course! But know Grady will probably put you to work."

"I figured as much."

"Well, we just brought you in here becuase we didn't really know if you are friend or foe. If you wish, we can set you up in a better room-"

"This will be fine. There are few windows and it seems like an untouched part of the home. It will be a good place to hide out."

"Halloway! Come out here and help me with the feed!" Grady barked from the foyer.

"He's still injured!" Edaline yelled back.

"He was fine enough to try and throw himself out a window! That means he is fine enough the gather the hay!"

Edaline shot him a tired look, but she shrugged.

"It's no problem. It's the least I can do since you are giving me your home."

Edaline smiled jokingly, nudging Sandor, "Aw, my little Sophie knows how to pick her men at her guild. A gentleman."

Sandor just rolled his eyes.

Ricin galloped into Renisanca towards the guildhall after Sophie got an urgent and mysterious message in the middle of her bath

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Ricin galloped into Renisanca towards the guildhall after Sophie got an urgent and mysterious message in the middle of her bath. After her interaction with Eira, Filomena sent her home, insisting she relax before she gets riled up again. Sophie felt guilty for taking a bath when the world around her was falling apart. But there was one thing scarier than the world imploding, and that was aunty Filomena when she was mad.

But in the middle of her cucumber face mask she was looking forward to for weeks, Nour called her, yelling for her to haul ass.

Her mind was running of everything that could be wrong. Could it kill people to be more specific?!

Did the Neverseen make a move?!

Did they lose Egypitnat again?

Oh gods, did Ruy not make it out?

A Guild of Moonlit Shadows (A KOTLC FanFic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя