2 Broken Trust

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Zane had stayed with Luna for months as he gained her trust and became her "friend." While his guards were looking for him everywhere. (Luna really means "I live in the middle of no where.) Although Zane would never admit this, somewhere, deep, deep in his heart, a soft spot has formed for Luna.

He has even been honestly having the time of his life, he learned how to horseback ride, gather eggs, and even milk a cow. Zane also now almost like clockwork is up a six am sharp, having now an internal alarm clock. But that is all about to come to a crumbling end as his guards are now searching the South-Eastern part of Ru'aun. This is where Luna's farm resides as surrounded by the thick forest area in-between Scaleswind and Pikoro Village.

The guards found a slightly beaten path leading from Pikoro Village, when Luna would make supply trips. The path lead on for miles through rough and harsh terrain. Finally they stumbled upon a run down farm and their leader had just so happen to be sitting on the front porch casually talking with an unknown female. "High Priest Zane, we found you, finally after months of searching."

Another guard shouted "Seize her, she probably kidnapped him!" Zane spoke up "Wait, you dimwhits!" The guard rushing towards Luna had stopped and started to listen to his leader, Zane smirked "We shall all be heading back to O'khasis, I need to announce my wedding and get her fitted for her dress. As she will be my bride."

Luna's POV:

At first I thought he might start to defend my, after all we had been through, but when he talked about how he's going to announce his wedding and get me fitted for a dress, all my faith and trust in this man shattered. I thought that I might have a chance at an actual relationship, but he was leading me on this whole time. I had actually been blinded by the fact that I might have a chance with this man. "You filthy double crossing rat, I trusted you, I gave you food and shelter, and a home!"

He just smirked while his guards tied my hands in front of me (Big mistake) "Do I have no say in this whatever, you can't just kidnap me for your brid.." He slapped me on my cheek, "Your going to come with me or be executed right here, your choice." I pondered a moment, I really didn't want to die yet. "Fine I'll go, but you have to take Charlie with us."

Zane nodded and told a guard to grab Charlie, my horse, while he changed back into his royal attire. He looked at the amount of horses the guards had brought and cursed under his breath. Looking at me "Looks like we'll be riding together, dear." I hated the way that sounded coming from his vile mouth, it was like poison to my ears. The guard came back tugging Charlie's rope, but she didn't want to come. I whistled and she stopped to throw the guard to the ground and trot over towards me. Zane hmmed, "Charlie I know you're not gonna like this, but you need to let him take control." She neighed almost in disobedience, but never the less let Zane hoist me up and get on himself.

Once we got to O'khasis, everyone was cheering for their high priest, but they all looked scared. Like if they didn't cheer, they would drop dead. Although one look at me and the whispers of gossip and rumors started. About how Zane came home with a girl, would there be a wedding, and if I was any sort of important figure, I guess they couldn't see my hands and figure out that I was a prisoner.

We rode into the giant castle and if I wasn't with this man I would have been impressed, but with Zane I kept a stone face of disappointment. "Smile more Princess, this is your future home." I couldn't smile, not with him. He had apparently given me one of the best rooms in the castle, because it had the best view. Zane threw me inside leaving me all by myself in the seldom room. The first thing I did was check everything, but a lass everything was locked.

The only thing open was the balcony, but if I had jumped I would certainly meet my own demise. There was only one thing I could really do and that was look out the balcony at the town and wonder how to escape. That was until the door opening had startled me, it was an older lady with a guard. My guess is that she was a maid, she gave me a lilac dress that felt of silk to change into. The guard undid my restraints only to put them back on after I changed.

Hours had passed after that and I just stood outside wishing to be back home. What felt like weeks was only days until I saw Zane again. Even his name felt like a thorn in my throat, but at least the lady whose name I learned was Leanne, feed me food and water everyday. She would even sometimes do my hair if she had time, but still I didn't speak much, just a word or two. Zane finally had the guts to step into my room and if it weren't for the fact that I was in shackles, I would have killed him right there.

I was on my bed and I could see him from the corner of my eye, he was watching my every move so carefully. He strutted towards the balcony, "It has the best view in the whole castle." Still not looking at him "so I've heard." He came over and grabbed my face forcing me to look at him "Our wedding is scheduled for tomorrow, Leanne will help you prepare. As I've heard you two get along so greatly." I couldn't believe what my ears had told me, he harshly dropped my face. He waltzed out the room without a care, as if he hadn't actually heard what he said. I still have no way out, I'm screwed.

I hadn't slept a wink, knowing my fate, I was devastated at the fact that I had to marry that awful man. That was until Leanne came in, she had the dress in hand along side a guard. She looked at them "Well don't take all day, I've got to get her dressed and ready." The guard came towards me and unlocked my restraints when Leanne knocked them out with one of the pokers from the fireplace.

She smiled at me "I couldn't stand to see a girl such as yourself get married to him." I almost started crying and I ran to hug her "Thank you so much, but what about you?" "Just knock me out and then they can't say anything." I smiled and instead of hitting her head I just hit a nerve witch made her pass out. My first real task was actually escaping though, so I decided to steal the guards armor and sneak out in plain sight. My next few task weren't as easy though, I had to get out of the castle, find Charlie, and to beat it all get out of O'khasis.

Getting through the castle was harder than I though though because everyone was asking to do this or that to prepare for the wedding. It took me two hours just to get outside, I still hadn't found the stables. But that bit was easy they were right by the castle gate. Charlie was in a stall at the very end of the stables "Charlie it's me, shh we're busting out of here." I grabbed his reins and walked him out of the stables, only to jump on him bursting through the gates.

I was getting out and no one could stop me, only to realize I had to get through the guards at the front gate. I had a sword, but I didn't really know how to use it, I guess I'll lie my way through then. I approached the gate when the guard stopped me "Halt, no one is to leave on High Priest Zane's orders!" "ugg come here, closer, this little mission in supposed to be secret, but between you and me, you heard nothing right?"

He looked a little skeptical of my lie "I'm going into the clearing nearby to fetch the bride's favorite flowers, by orders of High Priest Zane himself. It's not the biggest secret, but he didn't want any loud mouth guards to let the bride overhear, so he entrusted me for this task." The guard immediately opened the gates, "Carry on I no nothing of this." How dumb can a person be.

Charlie and I had rode for a few hours just to get away from O'khasis, so we could get a break. There was a small stream I stopped at so Charlie could get a drink, in the distance there was a village gate. I almost immediately went to go to the village, when I realized I was still wearing O'khasis Armor. I'll defiantly have to explain myself, but I did leave the helmet off. Walking with Charlie, we both walked up to the gate and noticed a guard with gorgeous blue eyes and soft brown hair.

His eyes widened at the sight of an O'khasis guard "Excuse me, I know what you're thinking, but could you please let me inside. I'm not even from O'khasis nor do I want to ever go near that place again." He seemed hesitant, but let me inside, "I am Laurence and this is Phoenix Drop. I will take you to meet with Lord Aphmau and she can decide your situation." I just nodded, this place was beautiful.

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