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Well you had to talk to her today. You forgot yesterday and the day before about it. You NEEDED to know what her secret was and soon. She was acting different more.. Sad and isolated.
So you headed back.
You had went hunting more frequently recently to get more time to think about everything.

You got back but Alla was nowhere to be seen?


No response


Okay you were getting worried.


What if she was in danger.. Bit she could be hunting? No she didnt take the pass that you made if one of you went hunting it was really a peice of bark but it worked..


Still nothing.

What if she got hit! No she was smarter and never went nead the road since you both decided that was a bad idea.

But.. She could be hurt what if something like a bear came? No there was no blood..


You were getting desperate


You screamed her name so much your lungs hurt. She wasn't here screaming wouldn't do anything but howling can travel farther so...

You howled a cry that sounded like you were in pain so there was a higher chance she would howl back or come if she heard it but another wolf could to.

                     ~|A DAY LATER|~

She still hadn't came or sent anything... What if she left? No... She wouldn't

Lone Wolf ~|A Male Wolf POV|~  BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now