Truth 2

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"Please don't."

"What is your secret?"

A tear escaped Merlin's eye.

"I have magic."


Arthur sat back in shock. 

That explained... so much.

Merlin was growing increasingly more nervous and was on the verge of a panic attack. 

Arthur chose his next question carefully, "Do you want me dead?"

"No!" Merlin exclaimed, "Never! How could I? Sure you're a prat and you sometimes make me feel like garbage, but I know you never mean it and you're my best friend. We're two sides of the same coin, and one cannot truly hate that which makes it whole. That's what Kilgharrah keeps telling me anyway. He can be so annoying with his riddles. I-"

"Merlin!" Arthur cut him off, "I get it. You don't want me dead. So I presume you're not evil then?"

"Nope." Merlin said cheerfully. 


They were silent for a few moments.

Arthur spoke again, "When did you start practicing magic?"

Merlin laughed lightly, "When I came to Camelot."

"Are you really that stupid?!"

"Hey," Merlin said, "I had to practice, otherwise I'd be dead right now cause I couldn't control it. I was born with magic Arthur. I didn't get a say. And while we're at it, my father was Balinor and I'm now the last dragonlord."

Arthur massaged his temples. "Of course. Wait. Did I actually kill the great dragon?"

Merlin laughed a little louder at this, "No! And I can't believe you were enough of a clotpole to believe that you did!"



They grinned at the ease and familiarity of their normal banter. Arthur grew somber again.

"Merlin why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Merlin sighed, "Arthur, you grew up hating magic and all who use it. Your father burnt people at the stake for healing and helping. He beheaded people who he thought might have magic, but it wasn't like they could prove otherwise. How could I not be fearful? And there were seldom times you gave me any reason to believe you would act differently."

Arthur nodded, understanding. He paused, "How many times were you accused and you confessed to having magic?"

Merlin barked out a short laugh, "I have no idea."

"How many times have you saved my life with your magic?"


"And how many of those scars on your body are from that?"

Arthur had been dreading asking this question. He didn't want to know. But he needed to.

Merlin sighed, "Most of them."

"Tell me," Arthur said, "please."

Merlin went through all the escapades that had earned his his scars. The most shocking for Arthur was the battle with Nimueh, the serket sting, and the numerous wounds from assassins that Merlin stopped before they even got to the palace. Merlin revealed that a wound from an assassin was the reason he had "fainted like a girl".

The two talked for what seemed like forever. They laughed and were somber and were, quite frankly, rather emotional though Arthur would deny it later.

"I still can't believe you gave me a truth serum," Merlin grumbled. 

"You know you wouldn't have told me otherwise."

"Yes I know."

Arthur glanced out the window at the darkening sky. "Well lucky you, you got the day off."

"Yes, to be interrogated by a royal prat." 

"Shut up. I'm glad I know." 

Merlin smiled and stood, "But just so you know, if you ever do that to me again, I will make you regret it."

Arthur laughed and Merlin gave an exaggerated bow before exiting.

On his way back to his chambers, he passed Guinevere. 

"Hi Gwen," he greeted.

"Oh Merlin! I haven't seen you all day! Or Arthur for that matter." She said, "What have you been up to?"

"Arthur gave me a truth serum and forced me to share all my deep dark secrets so we spent the day talking about me and my different accomplishments while he continued to be surprised by my competence."

Gwen blinked at him and smiled, "Very funny, Merlin. You don't have to tell me, I was just curious."

Merlin chuckled nervously, "Hehe, yup."

Gwen gave him one last confused look before shaking her head and walking off. "See you later Merlin."

"See you later!"

Once Gwen was gone he let out a breath of relief. "That was close. Dam truth serum."


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