Cross Each Other's Path Ch.1

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While Hua Cheng is walking to the town to but some ingredients for Xie Lian, he noticed a big crowd on the streets and the curiosity trigger Hua Cheng so he checked it out, he see a 1 man fighting  10 men, the man has a unbelievable strength, he take down the 10 man in just a few punch

"interesting" Hua Cheng said to himself, the 10 men get a sword..

"wait wait, hold up! That's not fair!" the man said

"fair or not we will kill you!" One of the men said and the other man just sigh

"Shizun is not here, should i just fight them? or  should I just run away?" Luo Binghe said to himself while he sob

"why do you need to be lost in the first place!!" Luo Binghe sob again, Hua Cheng suddenly came to his from and take a the man down, Hua Cheng pull Luo Binghe out of there

"are you okay?" Hue Cheng ask

"I'm okay" Luo Binghe sigh

"I'm just lost" Luo Binghe said

"i see, is it your first time here?" Ask Hue Cheng and Luo Binghe just nods

"alright then, I'll help you find your way back, if you want" Hua Cheng offered

"wait really!?" Ask Luo Binghe, Hua Cheng smile and nods

"thank you very much!" Luo Binghe said while he shake Hua Cheng's hands, they starts to walk and try to find Shen Qingqiu

//1 hour//

1 hour of long walk they still can't find Shen Qingqiu

"Shizun.." Luo Binghe said while he look down

"H-hey! We I'll find your Shizun!' Hue Cheng try to calm Luo Binghe down but it didn't work...

"SHIZUN!!" Luo Binghe yells while sobbing

"...Is he really a grow up man? Why on earth is he crying like baby now?" Hue Cheng ask himself and sigh

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!" A teenager boy yells, but before They can get out of the way, the teenager boy already crush on them, when they all open their eyes they see they're wet with alcohol drinks, Hue Cheng just sigh and Luo Binghe is still crying

"I'm sorry!" The boy yells a bit and about to run out of there when Hue Cheng pull him back

"sorry isn't enough." Hue Cheng said while he make a scary look at the boy

" Hue Cheng said while he make a scary look at the boy

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"Sorry is enough, I don't have time for nonsense." The boy said while he look back at Hua Cheng

"You-" Hua Cheng about to yell but someone Stop him by talking first

"A-LING!! WHY DID YOU JUST RUN OUT! CHENG-CHENG WILL KILL ME!!" Wei Wuxian yells out loud and Jin Ling run towards Wei Wuxian

"Sorry Uncle Xian" Jin Ling said while he pointed at the emperor smile at the ground

"it's alright, we can just by a new one! Let's go now" Wei Wuxian said while he smile and Jin Ling

"Hey! Are you forgetting something!" Hua Cheng yells making Wei Wuxian and Jin Ling look back

"what did you do to them A-Ling" Wei Wuxian whisper

"well... Long story short, I bumped to them and the emperor smile wet them..." Jin Ling whisper back, Wei Wuxian just sigh

"A-Ling go back with A-Yuan and A-Ji now, you guys go ahead" Wei Wuxian explain and Jin Ling just nods

"I'm sorry for what my nephew did to you guys" Wei Wuxian said while he bow down

"He really didn't mean to, we are just on a hurry" Wei Wuxian said, Hua Cheng just sigh again

"what a unlucky day" he said

"I'll leave now" Wei Wuxian said while he is about to walk away but then he see The birthmark on Hua Cheng and Luo Binghe's hands

"hey, can i see your guys hands?" Wei Wuxian ask and the both is Confused but they just let him..

"YOU HAVE THE SAME BIRTHMARK AS ME!" Wei Wuxian said while he show his hands...

It's been 30 minutes but they are still confused, until Hua Cheng remember what his mom told him

"don't tell me we are brothers!?" The 3 of them Said at the same time.. They all just look the each other like what to fuck?

"Wait hold up a minute! So you are telling me that we are brothers?" They ask at the same time again..

"I think so" Wei Wuxian answer

"only one way to find out" Hua Cheng said

"Who's our mother then?" He ask

"Cangse Sanren" they all said at the same time..

"And that's how it's done" Wei Wuxian said and he hug Luo Binghe and Hua Cheng, the two hug back

"i miss you my idiotic brothers "Wei Wuxian said

"HEY!" Luo Binghe and Hua Cheng yells at Wei Wuxian, Wei Wuxian runs and the 2 is running with a sword on their hands

"GET BACK HERE!!" Luo Binghe yells

"I'LL CHOP YOU INTO PIECES!!" Hua Cheng yells

•||To be continued||•

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