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"Where the heck am I?"

"Take a look around you, imposter. You're in the underworld, home to demons and a literal neverending nightmare for evil, nasty people."

"I am the one who rules this land and makes all these rules."

"Um," I responded, "I'm not an imposter. I just happen to be a friend of Sarvante and I'm trying to get away from the polic-"

"Silence, child. Because you, an intruder of the throne room of the underworld, you will be punished by being trapped in here and endlessly being tortured."

"No! You got it all wrong. And what does Sarvante have to do with thi-"

"HOLD IT!" A voice yelled out from behind.

"Rudely interrupted again, the demon who proclaimed himself that was behind all this and me myself turned to look who said that. It was Sarvante herself."

"Y/N, what are you doing here?" Sarvante asked, extremely confused.

"No, what are YOU doing here? And why is this demon here who's supposed to be the king mentioning you?"

(Sarvante's POV: Damn it...! Ruv must've said the wrong location by accident!)

Sarvante makes a long, depressing sigh.

"Look Y/N. A long time ago, I was born as a demon child. I've been on this earth for centuries, with nobody to interact with. 

When I was just a few hundred years old, the demon right there in front of you asked me if I could take his place as the overlord of this dimension. Wanting to explore the world instead, I rejected his request and instead decided to become more familiar to this world. 

However, since I didn't interact with any of the humans around me, nor living a normal childhood like everyone else, I was stuck in this tiny, child form, in which I stayed in for hundreds, no, thousands of years. Eventually the church that we sleep in was created by me all by myself, although it was extremely quiet, not a soul in sight. Ruv eventually discovered it, wanting to hide from the police. That's when I let him in my life, and as I suddenly grew up, I got to know more and more about him.

Eventually I started to dress up as a nun so I wouldn't scare anyone away in my demon form so people could visit the church more. And despite the hundreds of people who've already visited it, you're our 3rd member of the church, counting me, Ruv, and you."

Shocked to hear the truth, I started to cry. Being lied to, becoming friends with an actual devil, and overall, trusting her.

"I'm sorry Y/N but..."

I have to kill you now.

My body, heart, and mind froze. That when she started floating, and turned into a demonic like form. Her clothes were ripped throughout the process, and grew horns.

"May god always be with you."

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