🍓 Field Of Strawberries 🍓

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Balan POV - Me and (Y/N) were walking in one of the world's together chuckling feeling him hold onto my arm giggling having the basket around his arm and shoulder leaning down I gently kissed the top of his forhead as we continued walking.

Male Reader - Balan it's so beautiful out! *giggles*

Balan - Indeed *nods* shall we pick some fruit today?

Male Reader - I want to pick lots of strawberries and make a big fluffy cake with them!

Balan POV - I patted the top of (Y/N) head seeing how red his face was getting causing myself to blush sighing happily.

Balan - Of course love *smiles* anything for you...

Male Reader - Yay!!


Male Reader POV - Me and Balan looked around as he created his own basket with magic seeing how he began to pick some strawberries humming to himself

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Male Reader POV - Me and Balan looked around as he created his own basket with magic seeing how he began to pick some strawberries humming to himself.

Male Reader - Balan they look so good! *drools* nice and big! They even have a nice redness color to them

Balan - Sweetheart don't pick so many of them alright?

Male Reader - Aww ok *pouts*

Male Reader POV - I walked around seeing all the strawberries my eyes lighting up seeing a big plump one my stomach growling alittle. Maybe I can eat one? I'm alittle hungry after all. Leaning forward I grabbed the Strawberry twisting it off the vine drooling alittle holding it up to my mouth. Before I've gotten a chance to take a bite Balan quickly grabbed it shaking his head before placing it in the basket.

Balan - Now you know it's not good to eat Berries without washing them first I fear that you could get sick

Male Reader - But I'm hungry and it's just one Strawberry *frowns*

Balan - I shall not be taking any chances

Male Reader POV - My stomach growled again causing Balan to smile alittle placing a hand on my shoulder speaking softly.

Balan - Once we pick some strawberries we shall go back where I'll make us a lovely lunch

Male Reader POV - That brought a smile to my face nodding my head before he kissed my forhead causing me to giggle.

Male Reader - Can we have fish?! *smiles* fish and berries go really good together

Balan - If that's what you wish

Male Reader - Mhm!

Balan - I smiled as he began to drool we continued to pick strawberries together filling up our baskets. Occasionally I'd look over just to make sure (Y/N) resisted the temptation to snack on any but it seemed he was listening to me. After a few minutes passed I saw he came up to me showing me the basket smiling big.

Male Reader - I'm done! I made sure to get lots of them!

Balan - D-dear that's so many!

Male Reader - We can make a cake smoothies have it with fish

Balan - But we just picked blueberries and blackberries yesterday wouldn't you consider having variety? I-

Balan POV - Before I could keep talking I saw (Y/N) March happily to the door panel waiting for me causing me to sigh shaking my head but soon smiled he was always so cheery and full of life one of the biggest reasons I've fallen in love with the boy.

Oh (Y/N) what am I going to do with you?


Balan POV - As I was preparing the fish (salmon) I saw (Y/N) was washing and cutting the berries carefully placing them in a bowl.

Balan - Sweetheart be careful of the blade you don't need to rush

Male Reader - I know I know *giggles* I'm being extra careful not to get cut

Balan POV - I nodded my head seeing him walk over to me getting on his tippy toes.

Balan - Hm?

Male Reader - Open

Balan POV - I did as he said opening my mouth feeling (Y/N) pop a Strawberry in my mouth causing me to blush chewing down on the sweet fruit the juice hitting my taste buds as I shivered in pleasure.

Male Reader - *smiles* gooooodd????

Balan - Mmmmhmm

Male Reader POV - I smiled big seeing Balan enjoy the Strawberry walking back over cutting more of them up before eating one myself. They tasted completely different then the ones back on earth...I suddenly stopped chopping up the berries thinking to myself. It's been awhile since I was back on earth I wonder what has changed its been so long I've completely forgotten what human food tasted like everything here was good yes but it was all magical still I wasn't complaining I'm happy here Balan was the love of my life and he's made me feel so special.

Balan - The fish has been placed in the oven

Male Reader - I'm hunnnnggrrryyy *whines*

Balan - *chuckles* Patience

Male Reader - Uggggghhh fiiinnnneeee

Balan POV - I walked over pulling (Y/N) close nuzzling my face into his neck as he cuddles close.

Balan - I love you so much *Whispers*

Male Reader - I love you to *tears*

Balan POV - Pulling back I gently took the pad of my thumb rubbing his eyes dry.

Balan - Hush now no tears

Male Reader - *nods* O-ok ... *smiles*

Balan POV - Lookin around I rolled my eyes sighing before looking back at (Y/N)

Balan - Didn't I advise you not to pick so many strawberries?

Male Reader - Nooooo

Balan POV - He begun to stick his tongue out at me as I smiled patting his head holding him close still.

Balan - Well shall I make us both a smoothie then?

Male Reader - Ohhh yes please!!

Balan - Alright then *smiles*


Male Reader POV - Me and Balan decided to eat outside having a picnic sighing happily our bellies were full as we both layed back in the grass feeling the warm sun on our bodies. I cuddled close to Balan resting my head on his chest as he rubbed my back.

Male Reader - That was delicious

Balan - It makes me happy knowing you enjoyed the food

Male Reader - Mhm! But it makes me happy being like this with you relaxing outside having a picnic it makes me feel content....I don't want this to ever end

Balan - It won't....I love you so much I'll never let you go

Male Reader - I love you to Balan now forever and always

Balan POV - I looked down seeing (Y/N) look up at me his face lightly tinted pink from blushing slowly I leaned down gently pressing our lips together feeling him wrap his arms around my neck kissing back as I pulled him closer by the waist.

.....I won't lose you my love

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