Chapter 1

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Hello lovelies, so I wrote this fic with my buddy Jo: follow her wattpad @omgsamberg so go follow her, and also follow our Instagrams: mine @johnlock_otp and Jo's is @watsondick
Enjoy XD

John had just gotten home from a long tiresome day at work. It's dark outside already as he did three hours overtime and all he wants is to crawl into bed and sleep for six months. John creeps up the stairs as to not wake Mrs Hudson who goes to bed before seven o'clock and makes his was up to the flat. Sherlock is nowhere to be seen. John makes his way into the kitchen and puts the kettle on after dumping his wallet and keys on the experiment-ridden kitchen table and turning a light on. He slowly makes himself a cup of earl grey tea and then flops down in the sofa in defeat. John pulls out his phone and sends a text to Sherlock.
Where are you? -JW

The rain beat down mercilessly over Sherlock's curls as he and Lestrade raced after a murderer. Lestrade cried out, "Stop now or I'll have to shoot!" He was breathing hard behind Sherlock as his legs were much shorter than his. Sherlock turned around, still sprinting. "I told you to stop eating those doughnuts Gavin." Lestrade huffed but was too out of breath to reply. Finally Sherlock turned a corner and lunged against the perpetrator sliding in the mud. Lestrade stumbled over and placed the handcuffs on his calloused hands. Sherlock smiled to himself then realised he was drenched and covered in mud. He straightened his coat saying, "Well that was tedious." Lestrade called for back up and Sherlock felt his coat pocket vibrate and pulled out his phone. It was John.

Where are you? -JW
Sherlock sighed and realised he'd let Lestrade take care of the criminal and head home to his blogger. Sherlock waved to a still heavy breathing detective and went into the street hailing a cab. The cabbie looked him up and down looking at Sherlock's wet and muddy attire. However it was late so the cabbie showed him mercy and drove him home. "Long day huh?" The cabbie said turning his head towards Sherlock. Sherlock sighed and said, "I'm paying for a ride not small talk." The cabbies mouth was help agape and the rest of the ride was in silence. However that was broken by a sneeze coming from the backseat. Then another. And another. By the time they had reached Baker Street Sherlock was sneezing constantly. He paid the cabbie and ran towards the door, not wanting to get his clothes even more wet.

John had dozed off to the sound of rain on the roof, waiting for Sherlock's reply and jolted awake when he heard the front door open downstairs. The sound of a soft sneeze makes it's way up the hall as John blinks his eyes rapidly to wake himself up. Moments later he hears the familiar sound of Sherlock's footsteps ascending the stairs and then one, two, three, four loud sneezes he counted. The detective appears in the doorway dripping wet and covered in mud from head to toe and sighs. John cocks an eyebrow at the detective and giggles as he sneezes again.

"What's so funny John?" Sherlock says. John erupts into a fit of giggles. "I'm just surprised the cabbie brought you home like that." The detective sighed and ripped off his coat and scarf and pulled off his shoes. John was still laughing when Sherlock went off to his room and changed into his house robe, sweatpants and plain shirt. He returned to the living room and immediately felt a chill run through his spine. Sneezing he enters the kitchen and makes himself some tea. Once the kettle rings he makes himself his cup and joins John across from him in his chair, with his knees tucked close to his chest. "John I'm freezing are you freezing have you forgotten to pay the heating is this Mrs Hudson's idea of a joke." He sneezes again. "John I'm cold."

"Yes I paid the bloody bill Sherlock, go and put something warmer on if your cold because I'm not turning up the heater, it's hot enough in here as it is." John states frowning at the shivering man across from him. "What were you doing anyway?" John says thinking of the mud Sherlock was covered in when he first appeared in the doorway.

"Homicide. Brother killed the sister. Everyone"-sneeze-"thought he killed her out of spite, jealous for her success. However she wasn't as great as she had led on. No he"-sneeze-"killed her because he wanted the boyfriend. The brother and the boyfriend had been together longer then the"-sneeze-"sister had and he"-sneeze-"was so"-sneeze-"oh god John I can't do this!" Sherlock exclaimed. He slammed his hands hard against the leather seat and pulled himself up. He spread his arms out, showing his full wingspan. "John fix me.

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