Chapter 5: Silent Night

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A/N: Alright, please please please don't be mad I haven't uploaded. I have been busy getting ready for my audition, to get into my top highschool. The way Baltimore city schools work are so off, it's just terrible. But I got accepted and got a free scholarship to my top college. Yay! But this isn't about me anyway. It's going to be a really short chapter probably, well short compared to my other one's. So...



Months, Months, Months Later...

Zabrina's P.O.V.

"Omfg, I'm having a baby. I'm having a baby. I'm having a baby." Are the words that keep repeating in my head. My water broke nearly 3 days ago, and this little shit won't pop out. I mean I definitely wasn't getting a C- section, what if they accidently cut little Zanae. Trust me, it happens, when those damn cheery ass doctors don't know what the fuck they're doing, so they just decide to give C-sections. No, bitch, take a seat. I'm like really scared, because this is my first baby and it won't just come out. I don't know how many times, I asked these doctors, if this was normal. They said it depends on the person, and that calms me down for like 2 seconds before I start freaking again.

Ow! This really sharp pain just hits me in my lower abdomen. And to think those ladies on TV that be pregnant are overreacting. Now, I think they weren't even trying to act. This shit really hurts, and I actually think its ready to come out now. Thank god.

"Aaaahhhhh!" another sharp pain hits me, I push the button for the nurse.

When the nurse shows up,I can tell by the look on her face that it's time.

She called in doctors and shit, and soon enough I was pushing the little shit out. Next thing you know my whole family is and the room and everything is blurry, and the last thing I hear is Zanae crying. Before everything turns to darkness.

...3 Days Later...

I wake up and the room is silent and dark. I look at the digital clock on my nightstand and it reads 1:05am. I wonder how long I've been asleep. The doctor comes in to check on me like normal every night. She's just a few minutes early but I guess she got bored.

"You're finally awake!"

"Huh, what do you mean, finally?"

"You have been unconscious for three days, we thought you weren't gonna make it."

Three days, how is Zanae? Omg, I hope she's okay.

"How's my baby?" she didn't answer. By this time, my whole family was awake and staring at each other in silence. I knew by their horrified faces that something was wrong, but I was hoping it wasn't what I thought it was. My brother Zaire was the first to stand up, he walked over to me and sat by my bedside.

"Honestly I don't know how to tell you this." he said

"I'll tell her,Zaire ." Mama says, and walks over to me.

"Mama, what's wrong?"

"Sweetheart, when Zanae was born, her breathing was shaky. The next day the doctors diagnosed her with bronchitis. They put her on the respiratory, but last night she..." Mama paused and I already knew what she was going to say, I just didn't want to realize it. I felt the tears coming on. I kept Zanae, because I knew it was the right thing to do. Abortion has never been an option, or even a thought in our family. I kept her because I thought she would show me that I was good for something, and to have someone there to always love me, even in my old age. And to know my only chance is gone, just brings me to tears. Mama is in tears, too and she reaches up to hug me. She keeps telling me everything is gonna be alright, but I know she's just saying that. I mean this was my first child, while being her first grandchild. I just felt so empty now, like my life is completely over.

"I know it seems bad now, but it will get better soon. Remember your twin sister McKenzie. I promise things will get better."Mama whispered to me. McKenzie is my twin sister that Mama had a miscarriage with. That's why I'm considered the 'Miracle Child' because I made it and McKenzie didn't. Tala gets up and grabs something out of her coat pocket. I don't realize what it is until she walks up to the stereo. It's a CD. She presses play and ' Rock-A-Bye Baby' starts playing. I had a feeling this was a CD of Zanae's favorite songs. Tala skips ahead to 'Silent Night' which was Zanae's favorite song without a doubt. This made her calm down and finally go to sleep, after a long day of kicking.

'Siiiilent night, Hoooolyyy night. All is calm, Alllll is bright....' the song sung softly. Drifting all my thoughts away.

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