🖤💖(ASTRO) Cha Eunwoo- Overworked

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Astro was preparing for a comeback after the huge amount of positive feedback from their last one. Their manager instantly set them up for a double comeback to earn even more publicity.

The boys were tired of course, but they wanted the publicity just as much as the company did. They were immediately thrown into recording sessions and dance practices as they began working on an entire new album.

Eunwoo was tired he wouldn't lie but he would never turn down an opportunity to work.

They were about a week into the comeback when Eunwoo got called into a meeting. He walked into the conference room and sat down being greeted by his manager and his acting agent.

"Hey, Dongmin sit down please." His manager said directing to the chair.

He sat down bowing to his superiors.

"So uh, what's this about?"

"Well, I know you are busy with the group right now, but we just got a huge casting call from a director, and they want you to play the lead in a new drama." His agent said as he slid a folder containing a contract towards him.

Eunwoo mentally cringed at the paper. The last thing he wanted right now was another acting gig. He was still exhausted from his last one.

"We really think this will be good for you since true beauty went so well."

Eunwoo gave a polite smile as he read through the contract.

"I really appreciate this offer hyung, but this would take months for me to film and I'm really busy with this comeback." Eunwoo said simply closing the folder.

"Oh, don't worry Eunwoo, you can do both. I think your agent is really on to something."

"They really want you as the lead Dongmin, will you please reconsider?"

Eunwoo sighed running his hand through his hair. He didn't want to add more to his plate, but he didn't want to disappoint his agency either.

"Okay, okay fine I'll do it." He said as he signed the contract.

"Yes! Great, I will let them know and update you on filming schedules." The man said excitedly as he bowed and left.

"This will be great publicity Dongmin, we'll make sure to plug the series on the Astro Instagram as well." The manager said as he patted Eunwoo's shoulder.

Over the course of the next week, Eunwoo was absolutely swamped with schedules. He had begun filming and was on his way to set by 4AM every single day and returned back home to join practice before going back to set to continue filming.

The group was getting worried about him as they watched him drag himself to practice and collapse in his bed when he returned late at night.

One day Eunwoo had left for set at 3 AM and didn't return until midnight. The boys were in the living room watching a movie when Eunwoo trudged through the door, his bag dragging on the floor behind him. He looked utterly exhausted.

"Hey hyungie, how was set today?" sanha said with a big smile as Eunwoo walked into the living room.

"It was okay, we wrapped episode three today so y'know that's exciting..." he said with a yawn following directly after.

MJ shot Jin-Jin a look.

"Are you doing okay Dongmin?" MJ asked noticing his dongsaengs exhaustion.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine... oh hey, what time is practice tomorrow?"

"We start at 9 and run to 4."

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