𝐈. Philia- TwentyOne

Depuis le début

Not too pleased with my comment, she poked my side, getting close to my ear I doubt she knew her lips were grazing it. "Don't you start too." Though it held such amusement to her voice I couldn't help but pull away and blush.

She smirked, finding her seat again and pulling me right next to her, right next to Kaylee.

Instinctively I scooted my chair closer to Jane until the jacket was no longer needed for its warmth. I watched as she settled on a water next, deciding to sober up as the night went on.

When my gaze finally shifted from the content brunette it was brought back to another. Though inches of blonde grew from her roots, she had that same baby face as Kaylee. Those deadly grey eyes must be a family heirloom.

A throat was cleared, "this is that cousin I told you about who attended the university." She motioned with her thumb to the young girl next to her, a cheery smile already carving it's way on her apple cheeks. "This is Wren."

I waved politely. I wasn't in the mood for talking tonight.

"I heard you graduated last year, congratulations!" Unlike her cousin, she didn't have the southern accent. Very posh, almost valley girl. Too happy for my liking. "I just finished up my communications degree in May. Thank God I'm done with that. Unfortunately, I'll be starting my Masters in the fall." She finally stopped to take a breath, "you?"

I shifted around, "photography, actually." Once I said it I knew that didn't quite sound believable or interesting enough, "with a minor in history." I quickly added, conscious of each set of eyes fixated on me, including Jane's.

She would have to pester me about that later.

"Ooh, sound's great!" She turns to her cousin, unaware of how irritated she's grown, and nudges her. "You must pick Janie's brain about that a lot." She laughs.

Nobody at the table laughs along with her. Again, oblivion is thick in the air tonight and only Kaylee and I seem to be noticing it. I should've vouched stronger to stay at the house. Do more cleaning, see if any more flowers have grown, cook an obnoxious meal that would go uneaten. Anything to release my lungs of the cloud it was caved in.

Thankfully with the talk of the crowd, no other words needed to be exchanged to make our small table in the corner seem any less awkward. But after another strong glare from Kaylee I just wanted to escape.

I stood, using the jacket to cover my bare arms.

"Where are you going?"

It was Jane. Voice stern and clear even with the music.

"To the bathroom." I announced.

She pulled my chair back out. "Sit."

I grumbled, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. "I have to pee."

"No you don't." She took a pause between every word, making it all the more threatening.

"I'd like to have functioning kidneys." I challenged.

"As long as we don't have another of what happened a few days ago, you'll be fine." She pulled me down by the arm, "besides I know you don't have to use the restroom. Sit." She demanded.

I sunk into my chair, ignoring the two interfering looks on the other side. It'd be a long night.

Eventually the lights dimmed and everyone who covered the checkered floor made their way to any available seat the space had to offer. Some had to stand, very much so still content with their half wiggling shoulders and empty cups waiting to be refilled. Greta was a hit, the town adored her.

Little Girl Blue - 𝐖𝐋𝐖Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant