Chapter 2

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" baby girl you okay" Mel said. Yeah I'm fine it's just— " memories of your James" yeah mel. " hey y/n you ok" Em said . Yeah I'm fine " just bad memories" aria said " hey so we all talked and we're going to stay with you and mona in dc" Allison said. Really! " yea beside Georgetown was all of our second school we got into" aria said. Mel hug me close as I got my breathing under control. " wanna go home" Mel said you have a house out here " yeah it's our getaway from our parents" Spencer said. "Yeah let's go" Mel said. " good cuz I'm tired" Hannah said " y/n here our dorm key, room 1A" mona said thanks mona. We all went back to Melissa house in Dc as I was leaving I was stopped by JJ. "Y/n, wait" what jay I'm tired. " I'm sorry for not being there please forgive me" JJ said. Jay? I — I didn't feel too good so I ran out of the building and I threw up on the side of the building. " umm y/n" JJ said what jay? Is it possible you could maybe be pregnant? Shit? Jay I gotta go. " y/n wh—" I hoped into Mel car . " hey you okay" Em said " ya you look like you got some news" Allison said. "Y/n?" Spencer said " hey earth to y/n" aria said " y/n? What happened" Hannah said " y/n baby what's wrong" Mel said. JJ just asked me if I was pregnant, I don't know if I am " hey you okay" Em said .no now I think of it it's has been three months since my last period . I said all in tears.

" baby we can stop at the drugstore to get a pregnancy test"  Mel said. Fine I guess. As we start to drive off our light was green and this big car came out and it slammed inside us hitting me on the passenger side. The car spend around and we crashed into a light pole. I hit my head my phone rang and rang. I look down it was JJ calling.

jay🦋 is calling

Shit Melissa wake up * cough cough * Emily? Spencer? Allison? Hannah? Aria wake up.
Y/n can you hear me it's JJ
Jay, help we been in crash cough cough
Y/n !!! Stay with me I'm on my way the ambulance are on there way. Y/n?????

I was in the hospital. " hi y/n" roz ? " yea y/n how are you" roz why did you leave me and JJ " y/n you won't understand" really roz ! Because I been raped at 16 by mom boyfriend and here I am 18 in dc with my fab 7 girls and JJ and her team and I think I'm 3 months pregnant roz so what wouldn't I understand " y/n I was was raped and I was in trouble and I couldn't live with myself, I'm sorry" it's okay " y/n tell JJ always and forever, us against the world, goodbye y/n see you soon" nooooooo roz wait!!!!!!

" Y/n it's mona" mona? " yea hey beautiful" w—where Mel and the the other, " both Melissa and Spencer are in sugary , Em and Allison and aria are in the waiting room with your sister and her team , and Hannah is in a coma. Y/n the doctor said your 3 month pregnant is it James?" Yeah mona we were on our way to the drugstore when this car came out of nowhere and hit us. I don't want this baby " now how can a beautiful woman say that" carina said because this baby father is my mom boyfriend who raped me so there for I don't want it. Please do something dr carina. " I'm sorry y/n we can't do that" carina said. What ever. Mona can you bring in everyone else in. " yea" mona said

"1..2..3..10 ready or not here I come" roz said not fair you cheated roz " y/n I found you" wait roz where you going no come back, roz!!!!!!!! " y/n"JJ said roz? " no it's JJ" " y/n JJ and her tame and the fab 6 girls are here" mona said.  Hey it's the two Emily's and my friend Allison and aria , ooh mel I gotta see her and Spencer are they ok wait poor Hannah. " what's is she on" Em said " they couldn't really give her anything" mona said " wait because of the  you know what inside her" aria said " yea" mona said. Guys can I talk to JJ by herself. " yes" both my girls and JJ team said.

So as I watch them leave I see roz hands playing with my foot. " what's up y/n" jay come lay with me " what no" jay please. " fine". So JJ climb into the hospital bed with me.I was playing with her hair.
Jay I could see and talk to the dead and lately I've been see roz " y/n your crazy" roz said you will say that , that's why she wants me to tell you always and forever us against the world. " that what roz told me before she's killed her self but why she did it" because JJ she was in trouble and what I went though at a 16 with Jane she went through the same with her high school teacher when she was 17. " she's never said anything"she was in trouble and didn't know how to tell us.

Bellissima sorella ( beautiful sister) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora