Sirius and Remus

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"Remus you're my best friend!" Sirius yells at Remus after the full moon. Sirius was hurt, Remus wouldn't confide in him, he would barely talk to him. It really started to hurt Sirius. Sirius always thought it'd be The Marauders against the world, but right now they're following apart. Remus jerks his arm away from Sirius and turns around. 
He had tears running down his face. Unable to control it anymore.
"Friends Sirius?! FRIENDS ?? We aren't friends Sirius, we have NEVER BEEN FRIENDS! YOU CONCEDED ASSHOLE!" Sirius reaches out to grab his- To grab Remus but he pushed him off. "Sirius we will NEVER be just FRIENDS. GO be with your girlfriend and LEAVE me alone." Remus' voice cracked at the end as he took off running.

"What did he mean not friends?" Sirius questions out loud pulling at his hair. This was killing him on the inside, and he didn't know why. 
"Hey, babe..." Sirius' girlfriend came up to him. He brushed her off. "Not right now. I have to find James," Sirius took off toward The Marauder's shared room. 
"JAMES?" He shouts as he enters the room. Hasn't gotten any closer to what Remus meant. 
James was in the room along with Peter and Lily. Sirius slams the door shut and looks at James. 
James saw the wild expression on Sirius and sat up straight.
"What's the wrong Padfoot?" 
Sirius started passing back and forth before stopping in the center of the room and looks at James with tears in his eyes. 
"Remus said we aren't friends, that we were never friends. What does that mean? What did I do?" James watched as his best friend pulls at his hair letting all his concern wash away.  James sat back in his bed. 
"You really don't-" James held up his hand stopping Peter. "No, let him figure it out himself." Sirius looks at James. "WHAT exactly do I need to figure out??" 
He begins passing again. 
"Remus and I have always been close, we study together, we eat together in the kitchen all the time alone, I'm always the one thereafter his monthly problems, I hold him after.." 
"James please help me I'm confused, I don't understand what I did. I love him, he told me he loved me in that note," Just to get his point across he pulls out his wallet with the note from Remus telling him he loves him.
 "He's never hinted that he hated me before.." Sirius sinks to the floor, wrapping his arms around his legs burying his head in between.
 "Remus hates me... I don't want him to hate me.." James sighs really wanting to comfort his best friend, but he knew his best friend needed to figure this out himself. Remus made them promise that. 
"Why do you assume he hates you, Sirius?" Lily asks scooting to the end of the bed to look at Sirius. Sirius looks up at her. "What do you mean Lil's?" 
Lily stands up and squats next to her boyfriend's best friend. She puts her hand on his back.
 "I mean Sirius, why do you just jump to the conclusion that Remus hates you? There are other emotions." Sirius looks at Lily to continue but she backs up. Not going to tell him either. This frustrated Sirius. 
"Sirius mate, do best friends cuddle?" James decides to help in whatever way he could. 
Sirius looks at him confused. 
"Yes, we do?" James and Lily both give him a look.
"No, I hold you after a bad dream or when you came home from your parent's house, recently that has been Remus. You and Remus cuddle while watching a movie, while talking, while he's reading, or doing homework." 
Lily jumps in. "You guys are always touching, some way. You can't go a few hours without each other." 
"He wears your quidditch jerseys to the games." 
"How many times do I wake up now and you and Remus are on one of your beds cuddled up sleeping together?" 
Sirius stands confused.
"We're friends?"
 Everyone in the room sighs at their oblivious friend.
 "What friends do you know that carry a note from their first year of their mate telling them they love him?" Lily demands softly. Sirius narrows his eyes still confused. He's not sure what his friends are implying here. 
James lets out a frustrated sigh throwing his hands up. 
"Sirius has Remus EVER liked any ANY of your girlfriends?" Sirius shakes his head no.
 "But he has never had an issue with any of ours." Sirius looks at Peter whos shaking his head, confirming this fact.
 Sirius understood that Remus never had an issue with their girlfriends, but always his.
"Have YOU ever liked anyone he has ever even mentioned of liking?" Hell no, No one was good enough for his moony. 
Lily looks at Sirius. "Sirius think-think hard about what we are telling you." Sirius nods his head and goes over the list. 
"We cuddle. We sleep together. He writes me love notes. We wear each other's clothes." They nod their head encouraging him.
 "Who else do you know that does all that?" Peter questions Sirius. Sirius looks over at Lily and his best friend. James had his arm around Lily cuddling her. Sirius always thought they were a cute couple. 
Sirius freezes and looks between James and Lily, and at their arms again. Remus and Sirius acted like a couple. 
"We act... We act like Lily and James?" Everyone nods their head slowly. "...And?" "And...?" Sirius drags out trying to think really hard. He starts to go over the list in his head again. 
'Remus writes me love let-love. 
"Remus loves me?" Lily nods her head. Sirius feels confused for a moment of course his best friend loves him, he had the note to prove it. So why would he stay we weren't friends? That we would never be just friends? 
He said just friends. Just?? 
Sirius repeats that word for a second before it clicks. 
"Remus is in love with me." He states it because he knew it to be true. All the signs were there. "And...?" His best friend encouraged. He makes eye contact with James. "And... And I am in love with him." 
Sirius let that sink in before he takes off running. 
"I HAVE TO GO FIND HIM!!" He heard his friends laugh at him but he needed to find Remus. Remus... The boy he was in love with. The boy he has loved all this time. 
Sirius runs past his love before coming to a halt. He turns slowly to see Remus already looking at him. His face was covered in tears. 
"Remus..." Sirius didn't finish he ran up to Remus and kissed him. Remus was shocked at first. Sirius pulls back tears spilling from his face. "This will only work if you kiss back.." Remus laughs and jumps at Sirius kissing him passionately. They both laugh through the tears and the kiss when they hear their friends behind them. 
They pulled away and looked at each other, and for the first time, they felt like everything would be alright. 

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