"What would you do if the person you love and thought love you too are all just a lie. Everything that happens between you two is because of a lie, a bet, to be exact. The person you believed loved you, but the truth is he just approached you because his friend is provoking him to approach you and try to see if he could get you. Every day, he will always tell you he loves you! How much he can never live without you! How much he can never function if you are not there beside him—the one who promised that he would take care of you every single moment of every day. The one you thought was the one for you to be with forever. Someone who will protect you. Someone who will take care of you! Someone whom your parents trust to take care of. The worst is he even married you! Ha, weird, right? You will go through all of that just because of a bet. What would you do, Hai! Tell me!" Dane seriously said to Hai while still looking in front of him. Hai was shocked upon hearing what Dane said.

"Is this the reason why he is crying like that? Why is he hurting all over again! F*ck that guy! How dare he hurt Dane like this! I thought he loved him. I thought..." He said to himself. Hai badly wants to get angry and asks Dane straight if it is Gavin whom he was talking about, but he tries his best not to. Dane doesn't seem to want to tell him everything. That is why he used the third person in his sentence.

"I can't just think of what I feel right now! What's important right now is Dane! He needs me right now! It is my chance to pay for everything I did in the past. It is my chance, and I will not waste it." Hai said to himself before he proceeded on speaking again. He made Dane look at him, which made the man be shocked a little

"Hai, what are..." Dane struggled to slip out of Hai's hold but stopped when he saw the look on Hai's face. He seems to be serious.

"Dane, please listen to me! Believe it or not, I know what you are feeling right now. I believe you must be confused about everything that you learned about your relationship with Gavin! Trust me, I know because I have experienced it too before. Maybe it's not in your perspective as the one who has been lied into but the one who lied..." Hai didn't finish his words because Dane stopped him. He was shocked about the sudden confession of Hai regarding his past.

"Hai. What do you mean by..." Dane wasn't able to finish too because Hai stopped him?

"Dane, this is not about me! It's about you and Gavin! Maybe someday if we both are finally okay, if you truly can be with me even just as friends, maybe I will tell you what happen to me but what matters now is you!" Dane seems to be taken back with Hai's voice. He looks so severe now.

"Okay! Please go on!" Dane just stopped struggling from Hai's hold and remained still. Hai sees that Dane is now calmed, so he let go of him and sit properly, then starts to talk again

"As I've told you earlier, I know what might you have been going thru right now! You are confused! You are full of questions! One thing that I can tell you straight is that all the things he did and told you after those bets are true. Everything!" Hai seriously said

"You tell that maybe in your point of view, but what about him. He is not you, Hai! You can't tell what is going in his mind!" Dane said without looking at him, Hai just looked at Dane for a while, and he could see the hurt in his face. He badly wants to ease that pain, but he knows he can't! He is not the one that Dane truly needs to be okay with. It's Gavin. So, he just looked away then continued to talk

"Yes, you might be right, but think about it. Think about all those memories that you and Gavin have! Remember his face, Dane! Do you see a man who is just playing you just because of a simple bet or someone who truly loves you? Remember every word that he said. Do you think those words came from a man who is just lying to you or someone who truly loves you! Remember every promise! Every touch! Every tear he had when you left him for me when you have amnesia. A man who will let go of his pride and talk to the man who is taking away his husband just to make sure that you are happy and loved." Hai can't help but smile a little while remembering the moment Gavin and Him met. Dane was shocked all over again!

Remember Me (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن