Chapter 3

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Hermione's POV:

Daisy walks up to Harry's other friends and sais;

"Guyyyss!! Guess who's back- HARRY FUCKING POTTER!!"

"Wait- Seriously!?! Harry!!" A guy with blue, messy, shoulder length hair sais.

"THE ONE AND ONLY FUCKERS!" Harry yells, which honestly just seems to suprise everyone.

"HARRYYY!!" A short girl with a shaved head and a cute daisy necklace yells and runs up to hug him.

"Yooo! Harry! You're not still livin' on the streets are you Har'?" Another guy with a pink colored man bun asks and starts laughing away, I wonder what that meant.

"Nahh- I got these guys now." Harry sais pointing to us.

"Alright then, introduce us." Man bun sais.

Harry and his friends say hi and hug, and of course once again we all introduce each ourselves again. They all seem nice, I've just never seen Harry act this way.


"Well we best be getting out your way if your showing these guys arround town Har'" The guy with blue hair who's name is apparently Danny sais.

"Nonsense! You guys should come join us! You can catch up with Harry and we can meet more of Harry's friends." Molly sais.

They all look at each other and nod and smile as an answer.

"So Bill, Fleur, where would you guys like to go next? We could show you guys some cool parks/hang out spots or head to town and go shopping or something." Harry sais.

"Well we could buy some baby stuff-" Bill sais.

"Yes but don't you think we should buy that wear we live? Plus we could see some new places where they could play." Fleur replies.

"True, why don't you guys show us where you used to hang out." Bill sais.

Harry and his friends all smirk at each other and nod.

"Oki dokii- you guys wanna show em the park, skatepark or hang out spots first?" Harry asks.

"Ooh let's go to our old hang out spots!! I haven't been there in so long!!" Mage sais, she's the one with the cute daisy necklace.

"Alright to the Pissbox it is!" Harry sais pumping his fist up in the air like a superhero.


Harry's POV:

We've made it to one of our old hang out spots but I guess I should have warned them it's not the most 'baby friendly'. It's where we used to hang out the most, it's really just an old abandonned warhouse, and I actually remember at one point Danny was living in here.

"Here we are." I say stopping infront of an abandonned looking warehouse.

"This is where you used to hang out?" Charlie asked.

"Well one of them, we made it much nicer inside come on." I say.

On the inside it had some sleeping bags and old funiture, we even painted the walls with funky designs. There's also glass shards and dirt everywhere, and if I remember correctly a little corner full of empty alchahol bottles and other stuff, but hopefully they won't find those.

"Oh it is much nicer on the inside- but how is the world did your parents let you guys come here?" Ron

"Oh none of our parents ever gave two bloody shits. A lot of the times we would come here because of em." Karl sais laughing, he's the guy with a pink manbun.

"But yeah this was where we would go a lot when we got bored, you guys can look around, beware the upstairs probably has some questionable stuff- and yeah. I guess I should have mentioned that this place isn't the most 'baby friendly' place, but don't worry we've got some other places where they can play." I say.

We all look around and talk, most of my friends seem to be getting along nicely with them. At one point Arthur came up to me asking what something is.

"Hey Harry! What's this!" Arthur sais carrying a pennyboard.

"Ohhh my old pennyboard nice! This is a type of skateboard and basicaly when you stand on it, and push with one of your legs it starts to move because of the wheels at the bottom. You can also do tricks on them and stuff." I say

"Oooh that sounds fun!" Arthur replies.

While Mage and Ron are in a heated chess battle, George and Karl are having a staring contest, Molly, Arthur, Percy, Daisy, Charlie and Hermione are playing SkipBo and when I tell you Percy is failling badly I mean it. Bill and Fleur are playing Uno, it honestly took a suprising amount of time for Bill to understand the game. And me, Danny and Ginny are just chatting.

Around the end George is just looking around because he lost and sadly he had to have found the stash.

"Hey Harry? Why do you guys have a HUGE pile of empty bottle and.. other stuff?" Goerge asks me.

"What do mean George?" Molly asks.

"Uhhh- let's just say we've had some fun times around here." Danny sais chuckling.

"Really Dan? Couldn't have just said some other people probably came here?" I ask deadpanned.

Hermione, Ron and Ginny join George upstairs to see what he's talking about.

"Jeez Harry, mate, how much did you guys bloody drink? You said last time you were here you were fifteen." Ron said looking at the mountain of bottles.

"Harry! There's a mountain of bottles here." 'Mione sais.

"Uhhh- Ok, ok I get what you guys are saying but did you honestly belive me to be perfectly fine after all that has happened at school? Anyways it's not like I drink that much anymore, I was sad teenager of course I rebelled." I say trying to make my point.

"Ok but speaking of~ any of you want some drinks?" Mage asks gaining some odd looks but overall just a series of 'no'.

Everyone ignores the situation but I have no doubt that when my friends are gone there will be some questions. Honestly though, I don't care. I've kept my facade for long enough and I'm just happy to be with my friends.

"So you guys wanna head out to some other places?" Bill asks.

"Sure! Where do you guys wanna go?" 'Mione asks in reply.

"Hmm.. Are there any schools around here?" Fleur asks.

"Oh yeah there is! And it's right next to the skatepark!!" Karl sais.

"Hehehe... You guys wanna learn how to skate board?" I say mischeviously.

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