Chapter 1 - New Age for the Better of One

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New Age for the Better of One

   My name is Trinidad Amur. I am a farmer who has just moved into an old rustic home just a few miles east from a city called Dakin Fruer. I’ve heard the city is known to be one of the unhealthiest cities in all of Thexnau. Unfortunately discovering this, I wasn’t in the least bit impressed by the local residents; I am surprised they go on living in the shape they are in. I wasn’t too concerned with the knowledge of finding out who lived in the house before me. I’m puzzled to say the least when I was easily handed a set of keys for the house and one other for a lock on a metal cabinet inside the barn. Since this is a house to keep me in, I really cannot complain. Although I do notice roughly that most of the building is due for maintenance. It will be enough for now, just as long as it is a place to call home, again.

   One day when I was roaming about the property, I wandered into the barn. Right next to the entrance, I am greeted suddenly by a scarecrow that collapses out onto the floor in front of me. My heart jumps for a brief moment as I get a hold of myself to calm down to my senses. “It’s only a scarecrow,” I remind myself. I drag it outside and into my vegetable garden on a wooden post that was already planted in the ground. I drop the scarecrow on the ground and try to pull out the post to move it somewhere else, but it wouldn’t budge. I walk back into the barn to try and find a shovel. I pass by a brown, metal cabinet with a cartoon clown on the front of the door. Maybe this is the cabinet that one key is for.

   I continued into the barn and finally find a shovel. As soon as I go to pick it up, the floor gives way. I am dragged down into a secret basement area of the barn. Coughing and sweeping away the dust in the air, I find myself on the dirt floor, about eight feet down from where I fell. I call out for help, hoping that I would get an answer. From inside the house, my dog, Tartarus, whimpers at the side door, scratching and howling as he tries vigorously to make an opening in the screen on the door. He succeeds and squeezes through the narrow hole that he had made and scampers into the barn, following the sound of my voice. I could hear the thumping on the floorboards above me and it sounded like Tartarus. Sure enough, his head appeared to me as Tartarus looked down into the hole I fell in. He whimpered, not knowing what to do. I crawled around cautiously feeling around for a way out and found the shovel.

   “Hey Tartarus,” I look up at him. “Want to help dig me out of this hole? Go outside and listen for my voice.” I crawl towards what I think is the side of the barn closest to the doorway and started shoving the shovel into the side of the dirt wall.

   “Tartarus!” I call out. Soon enough I begin to hear some digging on the other end of the wall. Hours pass and I can start to see some light.

   “We’re almost done, just a little further, Tartarus!” I break the last bit of dirt apart and toss the shovel through the hole and crawl out into the evening.

   “Goodness! Was I down there that long?” I say as I pat myself down, dusting off most of the dirt. Tartarus barks to get my attention. I look over to find him whimpering in front of the scarecrow, found to already be tethered to the post.

   “How the hell did it get there?” I search around, looking for someone who could’ve been able to. “Something seems paranormal about this property,” I mutter as I look down to Tartarus. I get Tartarus’ attention as I start my way back into the house with him. Excitedly, Tartarus squeezes through the opening in the door to hop inside into the warmth of the creaky, rustic, log house.

   Tartarus is a Bloodhound, a little on the heavy side, but always there for me whenever I’m down or in a bind. He waddles into the kitchen as I walk into the pantry, barely full of produce. I take out a handful of dog food and spill it on the floor for Tartarus. I then walk up the creaking stairs and into the room at the top to the left. I push the door open, feeling worn and tired from a long day. I dropped on my feathered bed and closed my eyes, hoping for a better day to come.

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