Day 15

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A/N: Other than my dedication, I also wanna raise a glass to my aunt who has successfully fought cancer some time ago. You're an inspiration, and pink will always mean something more than just a color to me, to usas a family. I love you! 


“What’s your favorite color?”

Bobby and I have been playing all afternoon and I was tired so I asked if we could just draw and color for a while. He didn’t really say yes but… well, we’re coloring.

He hasn’t talked to me or said anything since we started. I really don't like being quiet, so I tried to talk to him—asked him what his favorite color was.

Is he angry? I didn’t want him to be angry. He’s my friend.

I tried to talk to him again

“Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! I asked what your favorite color was.”

This time I nudged him and tried to look over his shoulder, but he just turned the other way and covered the coloring book with his hands.

“Fine! Be that way.”

I stood up and sat in front of him. Mommy said friends don’t stay angry, so I’ll just wait here. He’ll talk to me, right?


Mine’s pink.” I finally told him, after a while. 


“My room’s pink. Daddy painted it, and I helped.”


“Wanna know why I like pink?”


“Mommy wears a pink ribbon pin all the time. She said it means she’s brave, and anyone who wore it is strong and brave too.”


“And it’s also the color of strawberry ice cream. I love strawberry ice cream. Now my room looks like an ice cream. Cool, huh?”


“You’re really  not gonna tell  me what your favorite color is?”


“But why?”

Then he finally answered,

“Momma says it’s blue.”

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