Chapter 33: A Liar Returns

Start from the beginning

Lila: "Is that a joke?"

Adrien: (deadpans) "Do I look like I'm fucking joking?"

This shut Lila up for now and instead turns to glare at Marinette and Dante who couldn't be bothered to even notice it.

Miss Bustier: (claps in her hands) "Alright class open your books to page 23."

School continues as Dante was able to brighten up Marinette's day but she still didn't like how the rest of the class other than Dante was praising Lila like she was a Saint because of her lies. At lunch time Marinette, Alya and Nino are grabbing food, Lila is sitting at a table full of food with the rest of the class around her.

Sabrina: "That's for you, Lila!"

Lila: "Thank you. You're so sweet!"

Max: "Here's your appetizer, Lila!"

Mylène: "And I've got your main course!"

Kim: "I'll fetch your dessert!"

Lila: "I'm sorry I can't carry my own tray. It's almost impossible with this sprained wrist."

Kim: (reaches for a plate between Marinette and Alya) "Sorry."

Marinette: "Lila's totally lying. She made up that whole tinnitus story just so she could sit next to Adrien, not that I mind that and her sprained wrist's completely bogus, too."

Alya: "I don't get it, Marinette. You barely know Lila. Why all the hate?"

Marinette: "Fine, I'll tell you everything." (drags Alya and Nino to a separate table away from the others and sits down across from them) "You remember Lila when she first came to school right after the break? She was only here for one day and then she left on that 'round-the-world trip. Everyone was captivated by her. Something just felt off to me. So I followed her."

Alya and Nino: "What?"

Marinette: "She lies with every breath."

Nino: "Wait. You eavesdropped on Lila and Adrien? That's not cool."

Alya: "A good reporter always verifies her sources. Can you prove she doesn't actually know Ladybug?"

Marinette: "Well I-uh... I... I... Okay! You want proof she's lying? Hey Lila! You forgot your napkin!"

Marinette throws a napkin at Lila and she catches it with her supposedly sprained right hand.

Marinette: "Ha, ha! See that? It's obvious she doesn't have a sprained wrist." (the class gasps and stares at Lila)

Lila: (drops napkin) "Uh, ow! Once when I was in India, I witnessed someone getting their eye gouged out by the corner of a napkin. If I hadn't caught it, this napkin could've injured Max. I didn't have a choice. Ow!"

Max: "Lila, you saved my eye! You sacrificed yourself for me."

Lila: "Why wouldn't I, Max? Ouch. You're my friend."

Sabrina: "We'll take you to the nurse's office."

Mylène: (to Marinette) "Are you proud of yourself?"

Kim: "Lila's in even more pain now, all because of you."

Lila: "No, no, don't blame Marinette. She was just trying to give me a napkin. Right, Marinette?"

Marinette becomes furious and stomps away angrily as everyone watches her in shocked and bewildered expression. After a minute or so Lila follows behind leaving the cafeteria. Adrien had also left knowing that he should at least warn Lila about the hole she is digging herself in.

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