"Look here, Mister, you're.savoir.is.here, last time I check, you did that and gotten yourself yeeted out the window, and I was knocked out, without even knowing shit. So, sorry if I'm eating AND SEEMS THAT I DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS ABOUT MY FRIENDS FIGHTING FOR CRAP I DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!" You angrily howl, swirling your spoon aggressively to Loki's face.

"Oh, wait. I do know— the point is! Stay out of it. Now, give me back my food." You demand. Loki still didn't budge; he was only irritated.

"No. Not until we do something about it!" He raised his voice, not giving your food back.

"What? Are you mad? What are you going to do, huh? Turn them into some infants and putting them into a corner, saying, "Now children play nice~ and APOLOGIZE!" You nincompoop! Who the hell would do that!? They'll only fight more!" You popped your remark growling at Loki.

He seems to be having deep thought, 'nows your chance!' you thought to yourself maliciously smirking. When Loki wasn't paying attention, in one quick, motion you flick his nose hard.

"AH!" He yelps, grabbing his noise in pain, and you snatching your bowl back running away. "HA! That's what you get, you big meanie." pointing your tongue out, mocking him from the other side of the kitchen island.

"Pfft. To say Zane and Nang's fighting, but look at who's fighting instead." Sam retort opening the refrigerator laughing. "Right? Reindeer games, you have some weird type pla---" Loki flings a pancake into Tony's mouth.

"Better. Wanna try?" Loki, gesturing to Sam. Upon hearing Tony choking in back, Sam's smile tightens as he takes long steps away from Loki. Who holds a piece in his hand, smirking.

"I.. I... I'm just going to enjoy my orange juicy from over here, hehe. Don't mind me, carry on--" Sam scrambling away to the other side.

"Finally. Any---" Loki rolled his eyes but stopped mid-sentence upon seeing someone.

"Good morning, everyone." Nang greeted, walking into the kitchen smiling. "Good morning Nang! How's your day?!" Loki's voice, pitching up high.

"Um... Great, I guess? What's up with your voice? Why are you talking like that? Are you sick, Loki?" Nang inquirer looking at him up; and down confused. "What?! PffT! n NO! I'M FINE--! I'M DOINFF GRFAT!" Loki's voice, stammer waving his hand in dismissal.

"Then why are you talking like that? All high pitch and stuttering. Your vocabulary doesn't even make sense." Nang asked, making a puzzled face, holding her scrambled eggs.

"What? I am?" Loki, popping his eyes bigger like he, was caught in some sort of lie. "You know what, forget it." She chuckles, turning away, seeing a grinning Thor. Simultaneously someone appeared at the wrong time too. "What's up, everyone!" Zane beams zapping through in thin air.

"Oh.." Zane stops plotting his feet down on the ground, making eye contact with Nang.

The world stopped, and the air around them thickens. Everyone stopped breathing. Zane and Nang both having a whole stare-down contest, the team looking back and forth thinking what to do. You and Loki, on the other hand, making weird faces gesturing to say what next to stop the tension.

You and Loki mind reading one another:

"You say something! Quick!" Loki mouthed to you silently.

"No! You!" You did it back angrily.

"No, yOU--!" He internally screams.

"Bitch! I'm in the middle of eating." You blinked raptly, making an unreadable face.

"Like I care!? I greeted her already! You say something this time!" Loki; scrunching up his nose, wiggling his brows in different movements.

"Bit--" You protest, but he cut you off.

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