Weird Feelings

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Hey guy this is going to be Skrael's pov before skrael and y/n meet

" So when do you want to do this" I said to bellroc

"Today" Is all she said before walking away

" Ok nari get the ship ready" I said

" Ok" she said a little scared because she didn't like to hurt people.

"Hey sis" I said to nari

"ya what is it" she said

"I got this weird feeling just now" I said

"Ok what are you feeling right now" she said

"I don't know how to describe it but I feel like something big is coming" I said to her feeling sick to the stomach

When they get there

" Do you feel that nari" I said feeling a weird aura around us
" what is it skrael" she said staring to get more protective of me

"never mind lets just go ok" i said
to her

When they get there

" Come out come out where ever you are" i said looking for them boys

" shut up and follow me I know where they are now come on" Bellroc said

" ok fine" i said following her to some store

when we got there I heard voices talking about how they didn't want some one there. We burst in the store and I see some people I have not seen before

" Well Well what do we have here" I said getting there attention but one of them caught my eye and it was a girl that was not here before. She was breath taking with her long hair.

Y/n's POV  Present time

I saw someone I have never seen before and he was god looking. I just don't want to look away but I do because I can feel Jim looking at me from his place beside Claire.

Skraels princessDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora