an intern

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it was the start of the week and I was heading to school with melissa after dropping kids to the new school. I had to enroll tama there as a quest for a while but I am sure miss fuyumi will be ok with it. now we were near UA and I parked my car.

melissa: "so what is gonna happen today?"

izuku: "no idea. but I know I have a class today for second years."

melissa: "hero training?"

izuku: "not this time. I think this one will be more verbal than physical."

melissa: "I see. too bad I cant be there then."

izuku: "you do need to work on projects melissa."

melissa: "yeah I do. it is disappointing but hey......"

izuku: "yeah. anyways I gotta go. see you later."

melissa: "ok izuku sama."

we part ways and i head to my office in UA. while looking at some worksheets. I got a call from father."

izuku: "hmmm.........what is it?"

dragon: "izuku, while looking into some rookies sengoku found a rather interesting one. he believes that she will learn a lot under your wing."

izuku: "really?"

dragon: "yes. she is from the military battle organizers department. you know that place way too well."

izuku: "yeah I do."

dragon: "alright I will cut to the chase, she will arrive to japan in a few days to UA."

izuku: "what is her quirk?"

dragon: "nothing too special. a high intelligence quirk. she can inform you in more detail."

izuku: "got it. what is her rank?"

dragon: "a low one. "

izuku: "so she is a newbie."

dragon: "yes. she probably joined the army recently. I think a few weeks. or a few months."

izuku: "and she was already able to draw sengoku's attention? impressive."

dragon: "no it was a coincidence. sengoku did told me how they met. also she is around the age of your students so she will be a student there. "

izuku: "first years?"

dragon: "yes. I informed nezu about this already and now you also know."

izuku: "in the hero course?"

dragon: "yes. which class that will be is up to you."

izuku: "understood."

dragon: "also. there is another person also coming with her."

izuku: "who?"

dragon: "the mink girl luffy got recently."

izuku: "carrot? as a student?"

dragon: "also that is up to you."

izuku: "alright so be it."

dragon: "with that I closed the phone."

izuku: 'a new intern huh? now this is getting interesting. and carrot.'

remembering her, I also remembered the moment she shared with hitoshi when we were returning from wano.

a few days later:

I was sitting down in the living room waiting for the person to arrive. kids were doing their thing and melissa was sleeping in the sofa. she was tired due to today's work

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