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Honey 'Baby' Banks
Chicago, Illinois

       I was awoken by my loud ass alarm clock

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       I was awoken by my loud ass alarm clock. I grabbed the black circular object and chucked it across the room. Yea some people say I got issues. Maybe I do. So what? My mama had issues I guess her no good hoe ass passed em down to me. Before y'all start about me getting on my mama you should know what the bitch did.

🚫trigger warning🚫

The bitch constantly let her ole men come in and rape me. She used to beat me till I couldn't sit. She'd embarrass me in front of family members and friends. Why she hated me? Hell, I ain't know. When I turned 7 she finally told my daddy about me. He started getting me every weekend. I loved it over at his house.

His wife was like my OG. That's what I call her still today. If anyone asks, hell yea that's my mama. She has been there for me. Treated me like I was her own. If I'm being honest I was her and my daddy's favorite. I'm surprised she liked me seeing as I'm younger than their kids which meant he had to cheat. I ain't say shit though.

She bought me a lot of luxury items. When I turned 16 she bought me a black Mercedes G-Wagon with red interior. I love her. She came to every recital I had, every game I had, every practice, every school dance. She was the best woman ever. A lot of people say we look alike. I see it. I had a body kind of like hers. I had her brown eye color. People said it reminded them of liquid gold.

That was my fucking mother right there!

🚫trigger over🚫

I'm now 21 and she still was helping out. Although there was a setback that hurt our relationship a bit we got through it. I got pregnant at 16. I hid it for six months. My so-called best friend from back in those days was obsessed with my ex so she told his parents and mine. Mama was upset that I felt like I couldn't tell her. It's not that I thought she'd hit me cause she'd never do that.

I just didn't want her to be disappointed. I was so happy when she called me the perfect daughter to her friends and I didn't want that image of me destroyed. Thankfully it wasn't. She still loved me. When my egg donor found out she beat the brakes off of me. She beat the baby out of me. Literally. I grieved for days. Once I told mama and daddy they went up to her house and put a bullet in her head. I moved in with them.

Daddy ain't get in trouble neither did mama they had people working on the inside of police stations. When I say he OWNS Chicago and some more parts of Illinois I mean that shit.

Daddy finally stepping down and handing 60% of the business to my older brothers but 40% goes to me. I know how to run the gang. And me being a woman with a body I used that to my advantage. I always got what I wanted.

I graduated high school as valedictorian. I'm currently in college for business and I'm also going to cosmetology school. I plan on opening a few shops that'll help bring in more money for us and also to mark more land as our territory. It also helps bring in clean money. Sometimes the inside officers we have just ain't enough to keep nosey ass rookies off of us.

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