Meet: Alivia Grace

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Meet Alivia Britney Grace, age 14, date of birth is December 21st, 2001. Alivia has chocolate brown, waist length hair and dark brown eyes. She mainly takes after her mom, who died during child birth. She has her dad's porcelain ivory skin, people always mistake Alivia for being a doll. At age 8, Alivia was diagnosed with Anxiety, ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Severe clinical depression, panic disorder, and schizophrenia. Alivia is a surprisingly smart kid, with an IQ of 184.

She normally gets in trouble at school, fights and accidents. Teachers always find a way to blame Alivia when something bad happens, Alivia has gotten used to it. She's gone to so many schools, she had actually lost count. Every time a school district doesn't want her anymore, her and her father get up and move. Alivia doesn't mind it though, she likes it because people don't get enough time to figure out her problems and tease her.

Alivia is a talented 14 year old, she can play many instruments. She started playing the guitar, piano, drums, and violin since she was 3 years old. She loves to sing, but never had the courage to go up in front of a large group of people and sing. Alivia has photographic memory, she can look at a picture for even a split second and then draw to the tiniest detail. She plays sports, she loves to play baseball. Her two little half brothers play hockey, but they love to play baseball all together.

Alivia is more sensitive to paranormal activity than other people, even her own brothers. She can feel the presence of ghosts, she can talk to them, she only does that when she's alone and no one is around though. She can summon ghosts but doesn't tell anyone, it freaks her out when she does it and she ends up giving herself a panic attack. She can also sense if the spirit, or ghost, is powerful and/or evil. Her paranormal sensitivity is not a side effect of her schizophrenia, it was a gift she had inherited from her mother.

(Total Words, not including this: 350)

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