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Tristan's POV

After I finished reading the comments, I needed help picking an outfit so I asked Avani and Addison if they would come to my room.

"Guys I need your help," I said

"With what?" Avani responded back

"WIth picking an outfit. Troy incited us to this party tonight, but I don't know what to wear" I sighed

"It's going to be okay. Addison will walk over to your closet first, and then I'll go look after she is done" Avani said and Addison agreed to

"Okay, but there's also something I wanted to tell you guys," I said

"Yeah, what's up" Addison responded back

"I almost had sex with Vinnie," I said

"WHAT," Avani said

"HUH!?" Addison said as she stopped going through my clothes

"Yeah, we were making out and the next thing I knew, I was on top of him without a shirt on," I said

"Savage," Avani said

"Wait, so did you guys end up doing it?" Addison asked

"No, Bryce and fucking Anthony knocked on my door to tell us that Troy was here," I said

"Oh...LMAO" Avani said

"Avani you need to control your man," I said jokingly and we all laughed

"This one! This is perfect" Addison said

"Let me see it" I responded. Addison turned around, and I saw her holding a tight mini skirt and a cute top.

"It's perfect! Thank you so much" I said as I hugged her, then Avani walked over and joined us

"Okay, so make sure that you have a great time tonight," Avani says

"I promise," I said as we heard a knock on my door. I opened it and there was Vinnie, standing in front of me.

"Wow... you look amazing," He says as I smiled a bit

"And you look great as well". I replied, hearing Avani and Addison giggling quietly

"Okay, so we can go now?" He asked

"Yeah, I'm ready" I replied as he grabbed my hand and walked me down the steps. We saw some of the boys on our way out, but we told them that we would see them later.

Once outside, Vinnie walked me over to the passenger side, and he opened my door for me. I thanked him before he went over to the driver's side and hopped in.

We listened to some music and before we knew it, we were pulling up to the outside of a huge house. I was unfamiliar with this neighborhood. I and Vinnie walked in together, and that's when Troy came up to us.

"Hey guys, you made it," Troy said to us

"Yeah" I replied back

"Okay, so the drinks are over there and there are more than enough rooms upstairs for...ya know," He says to us

"TROY" I yelled

"I mean you never know," He says as we walked away from him

"Do you want anything to drink?" Vinnie asked me. "Yes please," I replied to him as I said a random drink name.

We went into the kitchen and made drink mixtures. After we were done, we went over to the couch and sat down. We talked for what felt like hours until Vinnie asked me to dance. Eventually, got up and danced and it was so much fun. I was all over him and that's when he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. He swayed my hips back and forth, and it was at that moment that I knew I wanted him. I looked at him and moved my lips closer to his ear.
"I want you," she whispered to him as a slight smirk former on his face.


anyways, comment with any ideas or suggestions.

𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙, 𝙫 𝙝𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now