The bodyguards hurried and took Ms.Yoo out the room. Pie kept licking my face to "wipe" my tears. I felt a pair of hands slowly touch my face which made me melt.

Jiu:Yoohyeon ssi, you okay.

Yoohyeon(sad):I want to die!

Siyeon:A-ani don't say that you hear me don't say that (hugs Yoohyeon)

Jiu:Everyone go home.

Sua:Why so early?

Minji:So everyone can relax.

Yoohyeon:Do you have night class? Or maybe meet you at the cafe?

Minji:Sure what time?

Dami:I dont think I'll make it I'll be moving.

Gahyeon:Yeah same I have a job to get to.

Yoohyeon:Cancel it never mind I'll see you at home Dami.

I grabbed my backpack and pie and hurried out the door I wanted Jiu to stop.

Minji:Yoohyeon why sre you in a rush?

Yoohyeon:Im already embarrassed enough because of how clumsy I am. Plus I have to do homework and take care of pie. I'll see you tomorrow bye!

I full blown ran out the school building and my friends followed me. After a while I was home and just watching tv until there was a knock st my door. I opened it and Dami was there with her stuff and a black mask on. I helped her move her things into the empty room I was about to turn on the light but Dami stopped me which made me confused. I went into the living room watching tv and Dami join me leaving the mask on.



Yoohyeon:Why do you have that mask on and don't say sick because you are perfectly fine.

Dami:Its nothing i promise. Dami hair was covering her face as well. I gave Dami a cold look before noticing something.

Yoohyeon:They hit you?!? Is that why you moved out.

Dami(takes off mask and moved hair out of her face):Yeah...

Yoohyeon(hugs Dami):Why would they do that?

Dami:There not my real parents. (Sighs) I well. I told them something that they didn't like and we got into an argument which made them hit me.

Yoohyeon:What did you say? Don't be afraid to tell me I promise I'll support you.

Dami:I told im a lesbian and they hated it.

Yoohyeon:I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!!! I called it I called it!!! You like Handong and Gahyeon right?

Dami:Goodnight Yoohyeon.

Yoohyeon:Don't cliffhanger me.

Dami (laughs):Ill wake you up. (Goes in the room)

Yoohyeon:Come Pie bed time.

I went in my room and closed my door after pie csme in. My room was cold just the way I like it. I got into bed and seen pie sitting next to the bed. I smiled snd put her in the bed with me an fell asleep.


Yoohyeon:Your company building is nice I love your office.

Jiu:Thanks. (Back hugs Yoohyeon) Tell me Yoohyeon. What do you want?

Yoohyeon:Our school let's the students date teachers if they are close to age. (Backs up into a wall)


Yoohyeon:I want you to kiss me.

Jiu:Of course

End of dream Jiu POV

Jiu:Shes dreaming about me again. What is it about?

BG#1:We are not sure but she most definitely likes you.

Jiu:After all she did create me.

BG#1:Your going to make her thing you like Her if you keep this up.

Jiu:So what if I do. Its my feelings not yours.

BG#2:I'll still protect you.

Jiu(cold stare):Thanks. Now let's get back to business. I need to start teaching them art next week. Let's get this planned out.

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