Chapter 2

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Once we arrived in the classroom I hutried to my desk and tripped over somine leg. The class kaughed at ne as i took my seat and rubbed my head.

Siyeon (Pushes Jimin):Why did you trip her huh? You wanna die?

Jimin:Shes a p-

Sua:Only we can call her that. Don't touch our Yoohyeon again.

Handong:Here your lollipop Yoohyeon. (Pats Yoohyeon head)

Yoohyeon(smiles):Thanks unnie.

Jimin:Shes acts like a little kid. No wonder why she so stupid

Dami:You better take that back.

Gahyeon:Jimin don't you have better things to do then mess with Yoohyeon?

Handong:I will cut a bitch if I have to.

Siyeon(grabs Jimin by her shirt):You don't know why Yoohyeon acts like this so shut the fuck up. Mess with her again and I'll box you.

Sua(jealous):Babe let her go your to close.

Siyeon(let's Jimin go):Yoohyeon you okay?

Yoohyeon:N-ne thank you guys really.

Dami:That's what friends are for.

Sua(sits on the desk):Did y'all know Ms.Yoo quit?

Handong:Wait really?

Gahyeon:Yeah I heard. The reason is unknown.

Jimin:She quit because of Yoohyeon stupidity.

Yoohyeon(looks down):She did?

Jimin:Well duh. You always make mess.

Yoohyeon(pouts):Its not my Fault. (Covers face to cry)

Siyeon(angry):What the hell Jimin?!?! I just fucking told you what Yoohyeon does its not her fault.

Jimin:Siyeon please Sua must abusive Yoohyeon then.

Siyeon(loses cool):That's it.

Siyeon swung her fist and punched Jimin in the face. Both of them started fighting. Dami and BamBam tried pulling Siyeon off of Jimin. The classroom door opened and the principal walked in with a lady with two men behind her. The males his the girl behind them. The principal cleared his throat which made Siyeon look at him angrily. Siyeon walked to me and just gave her hug. I hugged back before Siyeon sat down in her seat. Jimin hurried to her seat. I looked at my drawing then the girl.

Principal:What the hell was that Ms.Lee?

Siyeon:Its Jimin. She keep messing with Yoohyeon and I'm tired of her bullshit. She blamed Yoohyeon because Ms.Yoo quit. She might as well blame me too because I'm clumsy myself. She disrespected my girlfriend and you just let her do whatever she wants.

Mr.Park:Is that true Jimin?

Jimin:No sir she just attacked me.

Handong:That bitch is lying so bad.

Mr.Park:Language. I don't think Jimin is lying.

Yoohyeon(looks sadly):...

Mr.Park:Meet your New teacher Ms.Minji.

Minji:Shes lying (cold tone)

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