★Just Head - DreamNotFound

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"Dream, you good?" Quackity asks with a laugh and I hum, biting into my lip.

"I'm fine.. fuck my knee.." I complain, gripping on to my chair as I look down at George. His head bobs, drool running down his chin along with pre cum staining in to the sides of his mouth.

"Really Dream? You're fucking gross sometimes" Sapnap says, obviously having caught on to what George is doing in my room.

"What? We're missing something!" Quackity exclaims with a laugh.

My mouth falls open with quick breaths, eyes barely even open as I feel the tingle in my stomach as my orgasm builds, faster than before as I was denied my first one.

I spam my finger down on my mute button a few times, not being sure if the last time I clicked it left it on mute or unmute.

"Oh.. shit.. George.. fuck.. George!" I moan, reaching the true high of the orgasm as I cum in George's mouth.

I fall back in my chair, panting out of breath as I look down and make eye contact with George as he swallows and then cleans around his mouth.

"Fuck George you're so hot" I say softly and he smiles, slipping out from under the desk and in to my lap.

I gently kiss his neck, rubbing his waist as I thank him softly.

"Do you wanna go shower babe?" I ask softly, bringing my lip away from his neck.

"No, I'm okay" he says softly before pulling my head away from his neck and pecking my lips. "I'll shower later" he says with a goofy smile.

"Okay, you wanna play for me and I'll talk with everyone?" I ask softly and George nods excitedly.

I hit my mute button again, sighing softly as I realise I was muted after all. That's good.

"Hey, sorry guys.. I had to pee real bad so I had to go" I say with an awkward laugh.

"Sounds like something you'd do" Sapnap mutters, covering for the fact he knew I was getting head during a stream.

"Hey, rude.. it's happened like twice" I say with a scoff and he giggles.

"And a third time where you actually pissed yourself.. ruined the carpet" he says and I whine.

"It was an accident! I was so sleep deprived and I wasn't processing much at the time" I complain and George giggles in to my chest.

"So.. who's there with you Dream? We can hear them" Quackity says in a teasing tone.

"Like I've said, it's just George" I say softly and George laughs softly.

"Hi guys!" He exclaims, pulling my mic forward.

"Holy shit! He really is with you!" Karl exclaims causing everyone to burst out into fits of laughter.

"Language muffin head! But yes, it's quite surprising since we did think you were joking" Bad says softly and I hum with a giggle.

"George has been here for two weeks already, god times flown by!" I exclaim, gently rubbing his side's as George stays sat in my lap.

"Two weeks of hearing the bed bang against the wall every night" Sapnap complains and I scoff.

"We don't have sex that much!" I exclaim and George whines as his cheeks flush in embarrassment.

"Oh really.. you've burnt through two and a bit boxes of condoms and all my fruity lube!" Sapnap complains and I scoff.

"It smells nice!" I complain and he scoffs.

"Yeah, well now I have to order more!" He complains, groaning in annoyance.

"Oh no.. the poor American with over $100,000 dollars in his bank currently couldn't possibly afford to buy himself more fancy lube" I mock and whine out, earning a scoff from Sapnap.

"Okay first I won that money and second, it's not fancy.. it just smells nice and fucking tastes better when you're eating ass" Sapnap exclaims and I scoff.

"As if your bottom bitch ass is ever eating ass" I say and he scoffs.

"Okay, gays! Let's break it up, we're still streaming remember" Quackity exclaims making us all laugh

"Really! Oh shit, well we should probably go anyways.. I've gotta make sure Dream actually has food for dinner" Sapnap exclaims and I hum.

"What we thinking?" I ask softly and George shrugs.

"We could order something or I could cook?" George offers and I hum.

"Alright, we'll catch you guys later!" I exclaim before saying goodbye to everyone in the call and leaving.

Soon enough, all three of us are sat around the kitchen table, deciding on what to have for dinner.

George offers to cook something extremely British, what ever that means.


Word count - 1295

Hello cubs, I hope you enjoyed this one shot and feel free to leave any requests in the comments!

Dream SMP ~«One Shots»~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora