Chapter sixteen: Lies or truth?!

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"Don't forget that you're pregnant after all. You have responsibility of this child so please do your job."

"Calm down, you two. I'm going to ask you some questions about that night and about your friend. I want to start with you, Omar. If you don't mind."

"Yeah, okay. It's totally fine."

"Bella, you can wait outside my office there are benches you can sit on, I'll be with you later."

As Omar and Janet go in Bella sits on the chair that's in front of Janet's office. Tears fill her eyes and the fear in her keeps getting bigger.

"So, do you want to start telling everything or should I ask you?"

"What are you talking about, Officer?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!"

"No, I don't."

"Do you want to take a look at this? You must have an explanation."

Janet points at the computer's screen with a raised eyebrow. She suspects that Omar knows something but doesn't tell him anything until he admits.

"What is it?"

He stands up and goes behind the desk to look at the screen.


"Yeah, that's me... so what about it?"

She shows him the recordings from the camera that Rachel is seen as well.

"Where were you going?"

"Why do you care?! Aren't you looking for Rachel?!"

"Exactly! That's why you have to tell me everything you know."

"I was... I was going to meet with a friend."

"With a friend, huh?"


"What friend?"

"Doesn't matter."

"I'm not playing with you boy, you better answer my questions!"

"Or what? Is that a threat?! A police officer is threatening me is that right?!"

"I am just asking you to answer my questions. The answers you're giving me are going to lead you to a way more bad situation so if you don't want this to happen just be honest!"

"Okay and I'm telling you that I was going to meet a friend. That's all."

"Who is that friend Omar? I need a name!"

"... it was Conor, Sarah's ex boyfriend."

"Okay okay, here we go. You see that there's nothing to worry about right?! So tell me what was the reason for your meating?"

"I can't tell you that."

"Why? Are you hiding something?"

"Look Officer, we have nothing to do with Rachel, neither does Conor. He even barely knew her so why don't you just let us go?"

"Okay, if you say so. But don't forget that we'll be investigating this! You can leave now, please tell Bella that she can come in."

Janet definitely won't let whoever did this to Rachel to get away with it. The look at Omar's face made her suspect him even more.

"She's waiting for you. I'm going home."

"Won't you wait for me!?"

Not saying anything he leaves her there. Her heart breaks even more and now her fear is getting bigger and bigger. She stares at him until he leaves and goes in the office.

"You can sit here, Bella."


"Do you have an idea why did I called you?"


"You are seen on the camera that Rachel and Omar are too."

"Yes, and?"

"Were you going to meet with them?"

"With who?"

"With Rachel and Omar."

"No, I was going after Omar."


"Because... we fought and I didn't want to let him go and do things."

"Things like what?"

"I don't know, I was just scared."

"But you two live too away from there, why did he go exactly to that place."

"I have no idea, I just wanted to talk to him."

"Did you know that Rachel was there too? Did you saw her?"


"Are you sure?"

"Why would I lie about this, Mrs. Officer?!"

"Perhaps to cover up someone, I couldn't know."

"Rachel is my friend, I would never do that."

"Okay, Bella, okay. Thanks for answering my questions. You can go now."

Leaving the room, she has a heavy feeling under herself. She leans to the door for support. As Janet sees her like that she goes and takes her to a chair. She gives her a bottle of water and wait until she feels better.

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