a part of happiness

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The warm embrace she felt was satisfying. Too much to even describe even.

Never in her life she imagined she would feel so comfortable in the embrace of a stranger.

But then again are they really strangers?

Her breath hitched, her short stature made her feel like a child in his embrace but then the thumping under his shirt can be heard clearly.

She smiled at that.

Her anxiety began hammering at her heart, the stomach churning as she sweats a little at the bad feeling she got.

"Shouldn't you let go? We are kind of in public"

The warmth disappeared through her body, and a sense of loss filled her whole being, maybe she wanted more, but her nervousness defeated her sense of loss.

"Right... "

Namjoon didn't know what to do instead, he took her by the hand gently, and lead her to the big hybe building across the park.

Saya felt nervous, her hands sweating as the butterfly in her stomach begin fluttering at the warmth of her hand. She felt happy, and yet a little afraid. Her heart beating loudly, her eyes can only see the broad back of the person that was her soulmate, the one she never expected to ever meet.

Saya realised they were inside the hybe office, the room namjoon was leading her to required them to go through various securities and they just walked through it with ease like it was natural.

She had recognize the hallways, the ones she saw through their vlives, and youtubes.

It was their studios.

She lost words, and decided to just follow
Him inside, his steps had shorten as they entered a room she recognizes as namjoon's personal studio. As many ornaments were familiar her hearts began to filter once again, fascination at the sight of the room, she didn't notice the hand she held had gone and she beach young the place, her soul felt more free than it had ever been and her anxieties disappeared in ab instant as she goes through the things that she had only seen through the screen.


A blushes had gone to her face as she realized she must've looked crazy in namjoons point of view. She had suddenly toured his studio like a museum without a care for him.

"Im so sorry, im....."

A crushing hug had enveloped her once again, his big body snuggle with her small frame perfectly as if it were always meant to be, her tears had fallen slowly as she felt happiness filled her soul, small hands began hugging back and gripping the white stainned shirt almost desperately.

"Finallyaly, i get to hug you, im sorry, but please let me stay like this for a while. "

Namjoon had poured his entire emotions through that sentence, as he continued to hug the woman in his arms tightly, and gently.

His hug were desperate, and emotional.


They awkwardly sat near eachother in his studio while holding hands, the silence began to make saya felt embarrassed.

"Uhmm, what's your name? Im kim namjoon "

She felt herself beginning to feel more embarrassed, she realized she didn't even introduced herself properly to him.

"I.... I know. Im Saya. Saya Poetri Phoebe".

The amount of butterflies in her stomach began to plummet as Namjoon's hands began to hold her hand tighter, her heart began hiring her chest rapidly, Saya had realized she loved this person already, she likes his aura, happiness filled her by just the fact that he was here, she used to think soulmates are pain to her but now just being here makes her happier than anything.

Im sorry to those who read this even now. I never expected this to get a read at all especially since this has such a bad writing in my opinion. So here's like a conclusion at least to this story. I don't know if ill continue it or not but thank you for reading.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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