"Training you?" I question.

"Yeah, he's training me to fight and use a gun."

"Don't sound too excited. He's trained me and it's brutal." I roll my eyes.

"Something going on between you two?" Drew picks up on my tone.

"No. He's just an asshole. You will die." I warn him.

"You're telling me, you're a better fighter than me?" He asks and I nod. I've trained for hours and weeks with Sawyer. I'm sure I am.

"Yes." I nod and open another bag of chips.

"I think you should eat real food." Drew tries pulling the bag of chips in my hand and I swiftly pull back before he can grab them.

"Fast reflexes. That's new." He looks at me.

"You want to wrestle don't you?" I ask.

"I always win." Drew says and I shake my head.

"Drew?" I hear Sawyer yell and my eyes widen.

I quickly hide all the food under the pillows.

"Tell him I'm not here."

Drew looks at me,

"What did he do?" He seems angry.

"He didn't do anything, just don't want to see him. Tell him I'm not here. Please, Drew." I beg and quickly hide inside the closet.

"Fine." Drew breathes out.

"In here." Drew calls out to Sawyer.

"Ready?" Sawyer asks. I can see both of them through the crack of the closet door. Drew nods and walks out. "Have you seen your sister?" Sawyer calls out and he surveys the room slowly. His eyes are glued to the bed for a second too long before he turns around and walks out.

"No man, I've been looking for her." Drew lies straight to his teeth. I breathe out when I don't hear them anymore and quickly close the door to my room. Back to eating, I'm starving.

A few hours pass and I make my way downstairs again.

"Opal, have you been in your room all day?" Avery asks.

"Yeah, just need to be alone." I catch a glimpse of  Drew falling hard to the ground, he's sweaty. Sawyer is all sweaty too as helps pull my brother back up.

Sawyer turns to look inside, feeling me staring at him. I quickly look away and maneuver Avery into the kitchen. Shoot.

"Tonight is pasta night. You need to eat." Avery commands and I nod. We serve ourselves huge bowls of pasta and garlic bread and sit down.

"This is nice. Just the two of us. Us girls. We never get to talk. Evan always has me doing busy work and you're always off with Sawyer somewhere." She says.

"I'm not always with him, am I?" I question.

"Yes. Yes you are. You're almost inseparable." She laughs as if my question was the dumbest question.

"I don't see it like that." I mutter.

"Everyone else sees it like that." She shrugs.

"This is really good." I take a huge bite, changing the subject.

"Thank you. I made it." Avery wiggles her eyebrows, "Nancy has been teaching me."

"It's so good." I smile.

"I need water." I hear Drew breathlessly say and he barges into the kitchen with none other than Sawyer right behind them.

Sawyer walks in shirtless, and glossy from all the sweat. I choke on my water and his head snaps to me. I take one last bite of the spaghetti,

ELUSIVE (Book 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt