Rivals 1

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"Eren, get down here NOW." My dad calls from the stairs.

I jump up in excitement. My birthday! Maybe my dad has a surprise for me.

I put my clothes on and run down the stairs. "Hello, sir!" I say smiling at him.

"We have some work to do," he says lifting an eyebrow.

My smile fades slowly. No happy birthday? "Can we do this tomorrow? Today is my special day!"

"Special day? Are you transferring colleges?" My dad says smiling.

"No... It's my b-" I get cut off.

"Then it's not your special day." My dad says turning away from me.

A loud knock on the door. "Get that for me." My dad says pointing to the door.

I walk to the door and open it. "Ray!" I say jumping into his arms.

Ray is my boyfriend! We have been together for 5 years now.

"Hi." He says looking down at his phone.

"Did you forget what today was?" I said tilting my head.

"No, it's your photoshoot!" He says. "Also, I need money."

"For what?" I ignore him forgetting my birthday.

"Something, can't tell you at the moment. So can you?" He says walking inside my house.

"Sure, I guess." I pause. "But, the photoshoot isn't my special day."

"What's your special day?" He says.

I sigh. "Nevermind."

We walk to the kitchen back to my dad. He tells me to get ready for my photoshoot. Ever since my dad and I got famous, he's never cared much about my health or anything. He's in it for the money.

I go upstairs and get change. I grab my bag and wallet and come downstairs back to Ray. "How much do you need baby?" I say opening up my wallet.

"About 250." He says still looking down at his phone.

"That's a lot," I say giving him the money.


I smile at him hoping he will say thank you or something, but instead, he walks away and sits on the couch. My smile fades again. Soon I feel a hard sting on my cheek. My dad just hit me.

"What are you wearing? Those aren't the clothes I gave you to wear." He says slapping me again and again.

"I'm sorry, sir." I run back upstairs and change. I cry softly but not a lot. I finish changing and walk back downstairs. 

"Okay, let's go. Are you coming, Ray?" I asked giving a fake smile.

"Uh, yeah ill come." He says getting up.

We make our way to the car. I sit in the back seat while my dad and Ray sit in the front. My dad and Ray have a father and son relationship, the thing I wish I had with my dad. Instead, I don't. I don't get why he doesn't love me anymore.

On the way to the photo shoot, I think about how I could be living in a dorm, but instead, I have to stay home. Half of the time I'm not even at school like I basically do online classes. I'm homeschooled most of the time.

We make it to the photoshoot on time. I get out of the car and walk into the building with Ray and my dad. We meet up with the photo shooter and they tell me what to do. I get ready to take my photo until someone comes and ruins it all up. 

"Hey, you, the guy who is posing." A female points to me.

"Yes?" I say looking concerned. 

"Come here." She says standing up straight.

"Uh. Sir?" I say referring to my dad.

"Go with the lady, maybe we can make some more gigs." He says moving his head to the lady.

I walk over to the lady and follow her. "Can you take pictures with him, please? We need someone and the other person is late." She says pointing to another guy.

"Uh, how much will I be getting for this?" I asked. 

"Not to worry, about a casual 34k. How does that sound?" She says smiling.

"Wow, that's more than i get for myself." I say in my head. "Sure, ill do it. What do i have to do?" I ask.

"Just pose naturally with him." She says.

I walk over to the guy. He's short but very cute. His face has no emotions at all. His hair in the back is shaved off but the hair at the top is still there. It matches him so well. 

"What are you staring at." He says's not really asking.

"Sorry." I say, "your just really short." 

"Oh. Okay, then carry me." He says lifting his arms up. "Come on."

"I-" I get cut off.

"That is perfect, gosh Levi, you are so smart." His manager said.

"Wait, Levi?" I ask.

"Yeah, you don't know him?"

I think back to my dad slapping me telling me that someone passed me in the ranks. What was their name.. "Levi.. Levi Ackerman." I say out loud.

"Yes, that's him."

"... Sorry, i cant pose with him." I say walking to my dad. 

"What, why?" She askes following behind me.

"He's a Rival. My name is Eren, Eren Yeager." I say as i pause.

"Oh, your that kid we pasted. Well, thanks anyway." She say's chuckling to herself.

Soon my dad slaps me in the face. "Your embarrassing me." He says in a loud/quiet tone.

"Im sorry." I say turning my face away from his. 

I feel 2 pair of eyes staring at me so i turn around to see Levi watching me. 

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