The first adventure

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Simon woke up that morning bright and early, he looked over at his side table where his lamp and hearing aid sat. Reaching for his hearing aid he smelt bacon and he swiped the hearing aid and ran out to the kitchen. Stumbling out of his room, he then sat in a chair at the table, swinging his feet that couldn't reach the floor. Simon looked over at his mom making pancakes while the bacon was in the oven.

Grace dragged herself out of bed and looked at her clock. "It's only 7:00" she grumbled.  Still in her pajamas, she slowly inched out of her room and into the hallway. Step by step she made it to the kitchen. Her younger bother was sitting at the table eating a pancake, it was so cute how he ate. "Alright! Gracie, Here is your pancake!" Grace looked up at her Dad. "I told you to stop calling me 'Gracie' it's annoying and I'm too mature for nicknames." Her dad frowned and looked over at Simon "At least you let me give you nicknames bud!" Simon looked up towards his dad. He smiled a big toothy grin but, he had some teeth missing. "That's right! I'm Simon says! And you do whatever I tell you to do!" Grace rolled her eyes, "Yeah right little dude in your dreams." Simon frowned, "Hey! I'm not little!" Simon ran over to Grace and started to pull on her Pj bottoms. "Ok, fine you're not little," he stopped pulling and smiled at Grace. "But your still shorter then me." Grace stood up and ran around the house having Simon follow her. His little hands reaching out to grab her although he was almost 4 meters away from her.                                          That's when they came across the attic door, The edges of the door flaying and dust coming out from underneath.  Simon ran up to the door and touched it, "Woah! I wanna go inside!" Grace looked down at him, "Mom and Dad said that we couldn't, if we go in there we'll get really sick from all the mold and stuff."  Simon looked up to Grace, "Gracie," Grace frowned. "What's mold?" Stepping away from the door, Grace looked down at Simon. "How about we ask mom and dad?" Grace said looking down at Simon.  He nodded and they walked back down the hallway. 

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