ur welcome

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ricky and ej were playing call of duty, on ej's new playstation.

"WAIT, I'M LOSING-" ej yelled, biting his lip trying to focus.

"I WO-" ricky yelled but was cut off by ej turning off the playstation, laughing.

"oops sorry rick, i guess no one wins." ej said with sarcasm.

"s-shut up" ricky replied, laughing, grabbing his helmet and skateboard.

"awe, going home already?" ej asked.

"i mean, if you want me to stay, i can ask my parents.." ricky said sitting hus stuff back down.

"please?" ej pleaded with puppy eyes, ricky sighed and grabbed his phone.


"hey, wanna go outside and play football?" the senior asked, touching the junior's curly hair.

"i-i don't know how to play football" the junior shrugged.

"that's okay, we can just throw it back and forth to each other." ej replied, smiling.

ricky smiled and nodded his head.


"so, i heard you're a really good singer" ej said from afar, throwing the ball to ricky. ricky instantly catches it, he tried not to fall and make a fool out of himself.

"um, yeah nini and kourtney, tells me that, but i usually don't hear it, i guess.." ricky throws the ball back to ej.

ej runs backwards, jumping, catching the ball.

"ha, you should really audition for that musical, i've never thought, i'd be into it, but the world is a tricky place." ej says throwing the ball to ricky.

"I GOT IT, I GOT IT-" ricky said, but tripped and fell on his face. ej rushed over to him.

"god, rick, are you okay?" ej said squatting down to the junior.

"u-uh, i can't move my ankle.." ricky groaned in pain.

"come on, let me carry you inside" ej replied, picking up ricky, and carrying him in bridal style, inside his room.

"let me bring you some ice for that.." ej pointed at ricky's swollen and bruised ankle.

"p-please hurry" ricky groaned at his aching ankle.

soon enough, ej returns with an ice pack, and bandages.

"okay, let's take this shoe off." ej said softly taking off ricky's shoe.

"oou, ouch, ow." ricky said in pain.

ej placed the ice pack on the junior's ankle.

"you need to start being careful, curls" ej said smiling, rubbing ricky's shoulder.

(see what i did there, stan "under the mask")

"it's not fault, you throw too far.." ricky laughed.

"that's because, i'm actually a football player.." the senior replied, rolling his eyes.

ricky stared into the green eyes of his ex-nemesis, getting butterflies in his stomach.

ej finally took that chance too lean in.

ricky leaned in, until they met into the kiss, wrapping his arms around the older teen's neck.

ej was now on top of ricky, stilling kissing the younger teen's soft pink lips.

"ow.. my ankle" ricky sighs in pain.

"oh s-sorry" ej quickly sat down on the edge of his bed. he was thinking until he felt a pair of soft lips on his cheek. he smiled like an idiot.

"thanks, ej"

"you're welcome, ricky"

short but... it'll do :))

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