Where Are You From...

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"Where Are You From: Who are you, and where are you from? I am a dandelion blowing in the wind, going with the flow of life. I am from reading books that don't always have happy endings. I am from taking forever to do my natural hair to make it look decent for society. I am from my parent's endless support and love. I am an overthinker who lets my thoughts run my mind. I am from trying my best and never seeing any progress. I am from a family that loves to spend time together. I am from learning the mistakes I've made. Having the knowledge of this changed the aspect of my identity at a young age. My identity does not mean my exterior appearance, yet aims towards my interior self. It has taught me that in actual life experiences, many people that you interact with don't care about how you look. Instead, people care more about how you treat them. As a human being, the traits that you have should test how you appear in life, not your race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, how you look, or even your gender." -Charlena E. Jackson, Why are You Obsessed with My Race?

 Jackson, Why are You Obsessed with My Race?

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