"Sorry." He apologized, staring at the hypodermic needle in the medic's hand with a detached interest.

"It's okay. We just don't usually get teenagers in here, what with their weird comments and all." The medic smiled, shaking his head good-naturally. "Hold on. This might pinch a little."

Alex closed his eyes and relaxed as the Diprivan was released into his veins.

"I'll be back in a few moments to check how it's coming along. Until then just try to relax and let me know if..."

The man's words faded into nothing, and Alex was gone.


There's a tightness in his chest. Water swirls above him. He sinks lower and lower, the concrete pulling him ever down, down to the bottom. With a soft thunk he lands. He struggles to pop the lock on his chains, his hair floating about his face. Bubbles tickle his face, passing from between his lips and escaping up, into the air above. His lungs burn, and it hurts. Oh, how it hurts. The paper clip slips from his trembling fingers. He shakes the lock in desperation. Air. He needs air. He opens his mouth and screams, the water rushing in.

Alex woke with a gasp. Air that he couldn't seem to let out. The room swirled, swimming in and out of focus. Alex squeezed his eyes shut, a whimper sneaking past his clenched teeth. Nausea introduced itself, along with a very unfamiliar voice.

"Hey, calm down, brother." There were strong hands on his shoulders, holding him down "It's okay. You're safe." He didn't recognize the Irish accent.

"No, no, no. I'm never safe. There's no such thing as safe." Alex wanted to scream. But his voice wouldn't work.

"Alex. Open your eyes." The person said again.

Alex shook his head wildly, his hands coming to grasp at his shirt, trying to get the invisible weight off his chest.

"Open your bloody eyes or I will call Wolf in here to do it for you." Definitely a male. And he knew Wolf.

Alex's flew open, and the sudden light blinded him. Someone must have turned a lamp on somewhere.

"There you go. Now breathe." The face was unfamiliar, the eyes, a startling blue.

He flailed his arms, trying to get away from this strange man. He couldn't trust him. He couldn't trust anyone. He'd learnt that the hard way.

"Hey. Hey. I'm not going to hurt you." The man frowned. "Quit struggling, Alex. You're going to pull your stitches."

Alex's vision blurred, his arms dropping weakly, as he wheezed. He couldn't breath. He couldn't breath.

He needed to breath. But he couldn't.

Sound faded out.

Alex closed his eyes, giving up the fight.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, Alex thought he heard a voice shouting curses, and then he was roughly pulled onto someone's lap, face pressed to their chest. A hand was running up and down his spine, in a repeated rhythm. Alex remained rigid, but his desperate pants for oxygen synced with the hand, slowly in, and then out. Pause.

Slowly, he could hear the Irish man talking again.

"There you go. Focus on my hand. Breath." He spoke softly, and his touch was gentle. "It's okay. We've got you. It's gonna be okay. Your safe."

The other senses returned. Alex realized, much to his embarrassment, that he was crying, clinging to the man like a lifeline. Irish, Alex nicknamed him, was holding him much like he would a baby, arms around the boy in a protective gesture. It was extremely awkward.

But he was breathing.

And it was a wonderful feeling.

That's a wrap. JK, jk...no way that's it. Sorry about last week. I was unable to update and to be honest, I didn't even have the chapter finished. 

On a completely different note, I just discovered One Direction. And Niall Horan. So now my life is complete.

LOL, I'm interested in who people think the man helping Alex calm down is. So before you go ahead and leave, please, just write a quick review in who you think it is! It'll be fun for me to read!

Also, big thank you to the ten something people who commented/review on Wattpad/Fanfiction.net! It was absolutely wonderful to read and it made me smile! Some of the things you said were so sweet! It means so much, especially since my writing is mediocre at best.

Anywho, I'll let you go now. Super long author's note, I know, but some stuff had to be said. Don't forget to vote...I've talked enough about commenting already. XD

Over and out,


"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." -John 14:27

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