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May 3rd, 1994

Uralla, New South Wales

"Claire Carpenter's life was stolen away from her at the age of 25. Sadly, she died on her youngest daughter's 1st birthday, April 30th 1994.

This sorrowful loss will leave a large hole in the hearts of many in Uralla. Claire was a dear friend and touched many lives with her kind and generous nature and her passion for helping others.

She was the proud mother of five beautiful children: Kelly, 10, Katina, 8, Olivia, 5, Jake, 2, and Amy, 1, and the beloved wife of Jordan Carpenter, the newest constable of Uralla's police force.

A memorial service will be held at St. Joseph's Catholic Church on May 1st and the funeral will be held on the 3rd.

Claire will be sorely missed by us all but she will live on in our hearts and memories forever."

Jordan Carpenter stared at the obituary in his hands, blankly. His stomach felt tight like a snare drum and his heart shattered. There was a bitter taste of waxy cheese on his tongue. Everything felt numb and hollow.

He couldn't believe that Claire was gone. She'd finally lost the battle with the tumour that had infected her brain exactly one year ago.

Even though, she'd tried to put up a positive front and remain optimistic but Jordan knew better. He knew that she was rocked to the core with fear about the fact that she could die at any time. This pained him beyond words. The one woman he'd loved all of his life was slowly being torn away from him by the clutches of death.

But what hurt most was that Jordan wasn't losing just his wife but his best friend. His world. The only person that could help him through the dark moments and cushioned the guilt he felt at having to send their first born daughter away overseas. In order to keep her alive.

It was Claire who reminded him that he was doing the right thing by everyone especially Kelly. Claire who helped him accept the fact that neither of them were fully human. Instead they were a part of the supernatural world that many knew existed but others were blissfully ignorant to.

They'd both just turned 16 when their friend, Jasmine Benson, revealed the truth to them. They were beings known as Frattons; mystical creatures that were half human and half ghost who possessed the ability to live for long periods of time. And held the abilities of levitation, teleportation and telekinesis, which came from their phantom side.

As expected they were sceptical and thought Jasmine was nuts and a liar. But Claire eventually started to believe when she discovered that she was able to move objects with her mind. Jordan too began to believe but when Claire was diagnosed with cancer of the brain he immediately rejected the idea of his heritage and ignored it.

In his mind it was nothing but a curse. A curse that stole his love away from him. That stole everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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