
I was late for the Mount Weather memorial. I ran in and Bellamy was speaking.

'I'm sorry.' I mouthed. He nodded and placed the book Gina gave on the table, filled with other people's things. He went back and sat down and I sat beside him.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, thanks for coming." He gently smiles and looks up at me.

I look in his eyes.

I wasn't looking for anything particular, but I found nothing. No glimmer of hope, no kiss me eyes. Nothing, he was gone, his eyes were somehow empty.

The smile was fake, he had nothing left. I swear his eyes turned black. I put my hand on his leg and he looked down at it.

First there was confusion, then he was calm. He looked back up and there it was.

A dash of hope.

A small glimmer in his black eyes showed me he was somewhere in there fighting to get out.

He was lost in there, but that glimpse of light helped me see he was just stuck. I gave him a small smile and his eyes lit up.

Just like that.

Then guards came in and his eyes shot to the door.

He was gone again.

The guards were warning Pike that 300 grounders set up camp outside of ours. Pike went to speak to my dad and Abby, Bellamy and I went and stood with them.

"Are we under attack?" Someone shouted.

"No!" I shouted back.

"We are not under attack. The Commander sent a peacekeeping force to ensure that we can defend against any further attacks from the Ice Nation." My dad calmly announces.

"Peacekeeping force?" Pike spits. Even you can't be that naive, Marcus."

"Naive? The grounders are here to protect us, sorry you had a bad experience with the fucking Ice Nation but don't take it out on the good ones." I roar. Damn I was keeping that in, it felt good to yell.

"Okay Avery calm down." My dad pushes me back a bit.

"We're all grieving. This has been hard on all of us, but we can't let our anger drive our policy." Abby adds.

"Anger is our policy." Pike spits, again.

"Shut up! You have no say here." I yell.

"Oh, and you do?" He rebuttals.

The room filled with words agreeing with Pike, not me. Bellamy stayed quiet too.

"Now, if they're here to defend us, as you say, then tell them to go home. We can defend ourselves." Pike shouts, standing on top of a table.

The room agrees with him, once again.

"You. You don't belong here." A man shouts pointing to Lincoln.

The room agrees.

I'm about to blow up this room.

The man then throws a rock a Lincoln's face, nice aim but fuck you. Bellamy sprints to protect Lincoln and I punch the man who threw the rock in the face. Deadass hurt my hand but it knocked him out.

Everyone broke out in a fight. Like that one scene from Mean Girls. You know which one.

Another man punches me in the face for punching the other dude in the face. I fell to the ground.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang