Between the garden hedge

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The drum opera would not be for another day and the young sisters were helping in the rum stand as they had done in the previous day. But on this day Sarah looked edgy as if she would rather be anywhere but in the Triangle festival. Her lip twisted and she fan herself just a bit faster than usual looking from left to right.

~Papa we are off for some fresh air, I wanted to take a stroll in a garden, we have been inside for far too long. It's time for some fresh air. Couldn't we have the carriage? ~

And since Sarah was the youngest, usually Hugh just caved in to give her all sorts of allowances. Sarah insisted that instead of being a dutiful daughter, Caroline had to go with her to chaperone. But before Caroline could protest that she was having a lot of fun learning the business rope and networking from people from the African and West Land regions, Sarah hushed her.

"Just follow me..." And when they were closer to the door. "I received a message about today."

About today? What was more important today then continuing the festival? But then she caught on to the reason why Sarah would be so secretive from their father. It made her pause in front of a glass to check her hair and straighten her shawl. Her step became more lively and the smile brighter.

"This better not just be about your regimental Captain..."

~"No, the message was from Betsey...the Captain will just be around to distract some attention.~

Inside the carriage they went with Caroline hoping her pleats were nice in her hair. Her heartbeat faster as walls of wisteria and magnolia trees signal Sarah's chosen garden. Caroline almost pulled her sister from the carriage as she wanted to dive headfirst into a garden and into the arms of her lover. Well, only on the inside, outwardly she looked quite composed and proper. Arm in arm with her dashing sister who leaned closed and whisper. ~You look great...~ Knowing her sister too well to not know that she had a million preoccupations in her head.

The garden was beautiful with blushing flowers, and at some point, Sarah's steps became slower just in time that her sister caught sight of Betsey standing under an arch joining two hedges. Sarah gave her an encouraging smile and stayed a proper distance from her sister to wait for her intended captain to arrive.

Caroline arrived close to Betsey and without hesitation the woman took Caroline's hands softly in hers.

~Well, have you thought of what I have hinted plenty of times Caroline?~

Plenty of times, the words had hung on silver coils along the chambers of her heart – wondering if Betsey had serious intentions. Or if their meaning were constant. She wished the words could be spoken near her family's drawing room where they could receive her father's blessing afterwards. Betsey's fingers twined with hers between them. Caroline took a deep breath, letting the beat of her heart dance a few tempos before she accepted that the question was true. That Betsey was true. That she had chosen Caroline amongst many eligible ladies in the Ton even with the challenge of her father's disapproval. Her smile softened to a demure glow.

"Yes...yes we will run away. I just need at least a month to prepare an ideal night and prepare my mother to deal with the consequences. She does approve...her peoples and or culture in Boriken doesn't align with my father's disapproval. So...yes...I accept."

Betsey's squeeze was warm through the touch of lacy kid gloves, the smile was a full symphony of glee.

~I cherish you Caroline, I cherish all of you...I want to be your wife as you are mine...~

Betsey took off one of the kid gloves and slid a thin band with a dainty opal over Caroline's finger. The glove was placed back over the hand as Caroline's smile beamed with coyness, her gaze lowered as emotions overwhelmed her mind and chest. A lover's kiss chastely grazed Caroline's forehead.

"Pray to your gods or God my sweet – so we can figure how to best manage this." Caroline said softly.

Their eyes met one last time before Sarah demanded Caroline's attention so they could dash back to the Triangle before their father became too suspicious. Their hands had to part ways, but not without Betsey placing one last kiss over that lacy glove hiding her engagement ring. What the eyes of the Ton could have caught was not too heavy in the minds of Betsey and Nsali as she waved before rounding the leafy corner of the hedge wall.  

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