Chapter Nineteen: Chased

Start from the beginning

I accompany Jongho to the house the man pointed at and knock on the door. A man opens and greets us.
"Hello, does Danya live here? My friend is injured. We heard that she knows how to treat wounds.", I tell.
"Yes. She is in the garden. I will get her. Please sit down."
The man motions us to sit down on the chairs in the living room.
The house is very cozy. A fire burns in the fireplace and warms the whole house.
A woman in her 40s enters the room.
"Hello, I am Danya. How can I help you?", she asks.
"Hello I am Jongho and this is Wooyoung. I got shot by an arrow a few days ago. We treated the wound as good as we could but we don't really have any knowledge on how to treat deep wounds like this.", Jongho tells.
"Shot by an arrow?!"
"We got attacked by... eh, soldiers from the Nekra Kingdom. It's a long story...", I explain.
"O-okay. Where is the wound?"
"On my leg."
"Then may I ask you to take off you pants."
Jongho undoes his belt and pulls down his pants while blushing a little.
The woman takes off the bandage that Seonghwa freshly put on this morning.
"Oh, it is really deep. But it isn't infected. Whoever cleaned it has done a really good job. You should definitely keep cleaning it and change the bandages twice a day. I can give you something to make the wound heal quicker and make sure that it doesn't get infected. It's a household remedy that helped my husband a lot when he got an arrow into his knee and had to give up his career as adventurer. You should apply it once per day. Also here is something to stop the pain."
The woman disinfects the wound, puts on the medicine and puts a fresh bandage around it.
While she does back some old memories come back.

5 years ago
I am choosing an outfit for Yeosang that he can wear after his extra training. Then I look for some jewelry that could fit with the outfit. Suddenly the door opens and Yeosang comes in. He is covered in blood and dirt. As soon as he sees me tears start rolling down his face. He runs towards me and wants to hug me before he remembers that he is dirty and I am going to be in big trouble if my uniform gets dirty.
"What happened? Why did the king call you to an extra training?", I ask.
"He wanted to see my progress and let me fight against a general that he wanted to get rid of. I had to kill him but I wasn't strong enough, so he kept punching me. In the end I somehow defeated him but I didn't want to. Why does he use me for his evil doings? I don't want to hurt or kill anyone but I have to keep on doing it."
"I don't know. But I am sure someday we will make it out of here and be able to live a normal life."
"I'm not sure if that day will ever come. It seems pretty hopeless."
"It will come. I promise it."
I go into the bathroom that is connected to Yeosang's room and fill the bathtub with warm water.
Yeosang waits for me to finish before he takes off his dirty clothes. It is only then that I notice that he has a small cut on his shoulder.
"You did get hurt during the fight?!", I exclaim.
"It's only small."
Yeosang sits down in the warm water.
I also takes off my clothes and sit down next to him. I help him get the dirt off his face and we scrub each others backs. Then we just relax for a few minutes before we get out and dry ourselves with a towel.
I put my clothes back on while Yeosang puts on a bathrobe.
"I quickly get something for your cut.", I say.
"Your hair is still wet though."
"I will just come up with an excuse if someone asks me. Don't worry."
"You shouldn't..."
I ignore his protest and leave.
I run through the castle, at least when no one is looking, to get some bandages and alcohol. Then I get back to my friend's room.
I carefully disinfect his wound and put a bandage on.
"Isn't that too much for such a smalk cut?", Yeosang comments.
"I don't want it to leave a scar. Just be grateful, okay?"
"I'm always grateful for everything that you do for me."
I blush a little bit. Yeosang smiles at me warmly. It's that kind of smile that only I get to see.

She gives us the medicine, we pay her and thank her for the help before we leave to meet up with our friends.
As we walk through the village I feel like we are being spied on. I turn around and see someone disappear behind one of the houses.
"Is there something, Wooyoung?", Jongho asks.
"Somebody is watching us.", I whisper.
We meet the others in front of the village.
"Any success?", Jongho asks.
They shake their heads.
"How is your wound?", Mingi asks.
"She said it's pretty deep but we took good care of it. She gave us some medicine."
"Let's go back to the ship. We shouldn't stay here too long.", Hongjoong utters.

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