"I believe that is my fault. We have been there for each other our whole lives. She just needs to realize there is a new member of our family and that she must share me." He smiles at me.

"It seems your childhood made you two have a strong bond." I stood up. "I guess you would like to go back to work." Thomas stood up.

"Yes. I better get to working." Thomas gave me a strong but short kiss before leaving.

        I watched him leave before strolling to the piano, a clean cure to boredom. I sat down and stroked the white and black keys. My fingers gently placed themselves in position, I took a breath and started to play.

"You never said you could play." Thomas snuck behind me. I jumped as his voice reached my ears. "Sorry I startled you." He chuckled.

"It's alright. My aunt taught me how to play the piano, it's a family heirloom of sorts. My mother's side teaches the next generation and so on." Thomas sits next to me.

"Well your aunt taught you well. You play beautifully, what was it called?"

"Turkish March, difficult to play." I laughed. "But it is also very fun and amusing if you play it right. Do you know anything?"

"No, piano is Lucilles. Mine is obviously inventing." He smiled at me. I studied the keys.

"Want to learn? There are many simple songs I can teach you." I looked at him. "You do have pianist hands." I grab his hand. "Long fingers make a perfect pianist. Come on. We can play a duet."

"Alright." He chuckles.

"Yay! Switch spots." I stood up and he scooted over. "Now." I stood behind him and took his right hand. "This is just a simple tone so it should be easy." I placed his hand on the upper keys and showed him how to play the right hand for the song, with an extra bar so he won't have to pause.

"Seems easy enough. I am just supposed to repeat right?" I sit down to his left.

"Yes. I will start and when I say go you will start playing." He smiled.

       As I placed my hands on the keys Thomas did the same. We smiled at each other before I started.

"Ready?..... Go." He started playing. Since Thomas was new at this I made sure I followed his tempo, which wasn't to slow.

"This is fun." He chuckled.

"Ready for the best part?" Once the song started to play again I sang the lyrics.

"Heart and soul, I fell in love with you,
lost control, the way a fool would do,
Because you held me tight,
And stole a kiss in the night.."

        Thomas smiled as he listened and played.

"Heart and soul, I begged to be adored,
Lost control, and tumbled overboard,
That magic night we kissed,
There in the moon mist."

      I added my right hand and fit in the more complicated part while Thomas still played.

"Oh! but your lips were thrilling, much too thrilling,
Never before were mine so strangely willing.
But now I see, what one embrace can do,
Look at me, it's got me loving you,
That little kiss you stole,
Held all my heart and soul."

      I laughed as we continued playing. Thomas laughed as well.

"This song can go on forever without a break. Heart and Soul, a song of love that never stops." I stopped playing and Thomas followed. "Did you like it?"

"I loved it." Thomas smiled and glanced at my lips. "But I should go back to work." He looked back to the piano. Like a little school boy, cute...

"Maybe, or we could take the rest of the day and read together. Or you read to me with your velvety voice." I chuckled. He smiled and stood up, holding out a hand.

"Shall we?" I took his hand and he pulled me up. "I have my favorite books in our room." He lead me out of the living room. "Any other surprises I should know about. Other then piano and being an engineer." He chuckled as we walked up the stairs.

"I can speak Spanish and French because we had to pick one in school but I got bored and chose both." He looked at me surprised. "I also took a little Latin to help learn new languages, another thing for school." I laughed.

"You are incredible. How have you learned all of this?" He shook his head. "I think you were born in the wrong time, darling." My heart fluttered.

"I definitely was." We turned into his room, Thomas shut the door behind us. "Can we sit in front of the fireplace?"

"Of course. Let me grab a book." He walked over to his small book table in the room. "Any preferences?" I sat down in the couch.

"Your voice." He looked over to me smirking. "And a lap to lay on. Maybe some hair playing." I grinned. He rolled his eyes and picked a book.

"Fine, I'll just chose my favorite book." Thomas walked over and sat down. "Come here." He lifted his arm and I laid down on his lap.

"What did you pick?" I looked up at him. He looked funny smiling at this angle.

"Great Expectations, a novel by Charles Dickens." He opens the book and starts reading.

       His rich voice fills the room, his right hand holds the book as his left fiddles with my hair. The turning of the page is like a ticking clock, each struck sends me more into a peaceful sleep.

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