~Chapter 7~

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"Nana is your grandmother"

Silence. It was silent for some times. Izuku had a blank face. But in reality, In Izuku's mind, it was chaos. Nana tried to calm him, but it did the opposite.

His mother was worried, very worried. Her son had a blank face and was staring into the void.

After some times she decided to ask him something.

"Izuku, are you okay ?"

That brought the hero in training back from his thoughts to respond. "Y-y-yes don't worry" he gave a small smile before telling her something. "I'm going to get a glass of water.".

He then stood up...

Looked towards the kitchen....

Made some steps.... 



"IZUKU" his mother yell at him as he fainted.

But unlike his mother, it took more time to wake him up. Because during that time he was talking to the First and seventh about this new discovery...

"So you're really my grandma ?" he asked to Nana in OFA's core

"Yes !" she responded with energy.

"This is... shocking but I can live with it" he stated being ready.

"One more thing" the First said, making him curious.

"Yes ?" the green haired boy resplied.

"If you want to talk to us more often and without fainting. I suggest to you that you start meditation, it will be useful not only for OFA but for you too." was the last thing he said before kicking him out of OFA's core.

After Inko and Izuku calmed themselves, due to the new informations, they decided to not do anything so special. The same for the next day. The thing that were the most exciting during those two days, for Izuku, were the meditation and the text messages with his classmates, especially Uraraka. The first one, because each time he mediate he was coming more close from OFA. The second, because it was the time for him to clear his head with his classmates, especially Uraraka. Uraraka and Deku loved talking to each other, fooling around, talking about news on heroes,... If you could see Izuku's contact, Ochako would be the person he was texting the most.

With that the two days passed quickly...

Today, was the day of their return after the 2 days. The first lessons weren't that exciting. At Lunch the same groups were talking to each other. But everyone noticed how Deku wasn't so shy around her anymore. They decided to ignore this thinking that he was less shy around her, but one person saw this from a different view....

It was...


"Hello class" the sleepy teacher arrived, they, quickly, went silent, letting their continue. "Today you are going to chose your heroes name." they got excited but decided to let their teacher. "But it won't be with me it will be with—" he declared before being cut by the door opening and a squeal from it.

"ME !" Midnight squealed in excitement, making the perverts stood from their seats.

Seeing this, Aizawa, decided to go in his sleeping bag. She, then, explained how they were going to proceed.

After 15 minutes, the first people went in front of the board. Some of them were...

Questionable. Like, for example, Aoyama or Ashido. She had to change her name, because "Alien Queen" isn't a suitable hero name for her... I guess ┐('~';)┌

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