Let Go

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The process of change is often unnoticeable; which is probably why the the realization of it could feel like a sudden sea wave.

Jungkook snuggled deeper into his black coat, watching his breath turn into a misty cloud in the air. The remaining days of December were painstakingly slower than the rest of winter season. He couldn't help but think that they were much more vibrant or somewhat, quick and vivacious when he was very much younger.

Perhaps it was because of Christmas day.

A small smile crept into his face as he continued to walk amidst the dropping temperature of the blue hour; the day waning from the world. Jungkook was never fond of the cold Seoul had to provide during this particular time of the year. It was dry and biting; and a little lonely— significantly lonely. Due to such, he made a known habit of always yearning to go back to you in Busan; seeking out the warmth that you effortlessly emanated.

To his dismay, Jungkook had a hard time outgrowing such a habit.

Reaching the front door of their house after a brisk stroll around the lot, he became absorbed with his own thoughts. He could never forget the countless times he asked and wished that he could visit you in Busan, just one day out of a whole year. Sighing deeply, he twisted the doorknob with the words, "That was so long ago..." fleeting from his head.

"Oh, there you are."

Jungkook gently shut the large wooden door behind him. His mother descended from the giant staircase, a certain look of fondness noticeable in her irises.

"Mom," he greeted politely, the corners of his lips quirking into a tiny smile.

"I've been looking for you. Where have you been?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, I just went outside for a while."

Remaining in front of the door, Jungkook could still notice the sudden shift in his mother's demeanor despite her standing afar.

"Well," she stalled, breaking eye contact and unconsciously scratching her head.

"...Were you going to ask me something?" he prompted, his doe-like eyes gaping in curiosity.

"Yes," his mother cleared her throat before straightening her back and asking with a mellow voice, "What do you think about going to Busan for a short vacation? We're thinking... Christmas day until after New Year's?"

A sea wave.

Jungkook visibly froze, mouth ajar. He didn't know his eyes could gape any wider as a sudden shiver ran up his arms. Maybe it was his body's way of preventing him from slipping into a dreamlike state; which he already assumed he was in. The look on his face was completely blank but at the same time, full of emotion— emotions that he bottled up for years in trying to please the people around him.

"What...?" Jungkook mindlessly whispered.

His mother was transparent with guilt, aware of what she failed to give her son over the years. Eyebrows furrowed down softly, she mustered up strength to give Jungkook a tight-lipped smile in attempts to reassure him. His eyes, however, were glossy with tears that he seemed to be holding in earnestly. Jungkook proceeded to avert his gaze, inhaling and exhaling deeply.

"What about work? Our usual guests?" he was in utter disbelief.

"This time, let's just have a little family bonding time, hm? You, me, and your dad." Mrs. Jeon posed with the same saccharine tone.

A short period of silence hung up in the air. Jungkook had a hard time comprehending if the situation was real or he had progressed to vivid daydreams. His heartbeat was audible to his ears, thumping wildly.

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