Chapter Forty Two: Intervention

Start from the beginning

The women looked at each other puzzled.

"That's what Nick said." Keira frowned at me.

"Believe what you want. Screw all of you!"

I walked out but they all followed me. "Close the door!" Bea shouted at a bodyguard. "If she leaves you're fired!"

The man barricaded the door. I was ready to drive a fist through him when Naila pulled me back. "I'm sorry. I apologize. I should have at least confirmed it before I told Ferrer."

"You told Ferr? What the hell Naila? What would you do that? Why didn't you ask me first?"

"You were nowhere to be found! I met him in Amsterdam and I told him! I just told him! I'm sorry."

"So I have you to thank for the casserole dishes that broke." Dani wants to talk about dishes at this moment. Seriously? "They belonged to my mom in law! She's crazy! Gluing the pieces together won't make the cut!"

"I'll take you shopping!" Naila screamed at her. "Lorr... Katya, I'm sorry."

I willed myself to calm down. Nick didn't tell the truth. I can't tell Kei about the apartment. Not in front of her witch hunting friends.

"I lied about my name because I was running from my reality. It was easier to be someone else. It wasn't the kind of secret you tell people without consequence. Ferrer found out and spent months in a Russian prison. He lost his career because of me. I only told Kei because she gets it. She's a mob wife. The rest of you aren't. Having a relationship with the mob is not something you announce. My name is Katya Romanov. That's my name. I'm glad it came out. I really am. I'm sorry for calling you guys airheads."

"I have an IQ of 175. Dani you beat me by 4. 4 only." Bea smiled. "I'm not an airhead."

"Trophy wife."Keen mattered with q mean laugh.

"Woman who can't keep a man." She retaliated.

"Her own man." Naila added. "Come back and let's have tea. I baked."

"She stole the recipe." Bea announced. "Kei one of your handwritten cookbooks are missing a page."

We had a light moment when Naila fished out a folded recipe from her blossom. She gave it back to Kei and walked away gracefully like it wasn't even her.

The other girls followed but Kei stayed. She's still not smiling.

"I'm sorry. I went to confront him-"

"Nick is a casanova when I'm not with him. I lost track of the trail. I felt something was wrong with that picture. I can't imagine you betraying me like that. It's hard to believe it."

"Are we okay?"

"Yes we are." She smiled softly. "Are you okay? I heard about your father. And also Ferrer... I'm sorry I wasn't there. I'm fighting my own battles."

"It's okay. I'm working through it."

"Let's have tea with the airheads." She laughed. "I don't know how high or low my IQ is. Do you know yours?"

I held her hand. "As long as I can count and spell, I'm good."

Our laughter echoed through the English home as we joined the others.

Ferrer's POV
"Mijo," my father peeked into the library. "I'm sorry to bother you but you have a visitor."

"Who is it?"

"It's me buddy." Nick entered when my father gave him way. "Can we talk?"

I closed the book. "Sure."

He placed a bottle of wine in front of me. "Limited edition. Enjoy."

I picked it up. It's a beautiful blue bottle. It's hard to buy these unless you raid Nick's personal winery. I set it aside. "Thank you."

"What I said and did wasn't cool." We both have matching black and blue faces. "I like Katya. Before you lose your shit, listen to me. There are no women like Katya. A man in my shoes is invincible with a woman like her on my side. Sometimes, I allow my mind to dream. I think of what ifs that are quite improper and one of them was Katya. I'm sorry that I allowed my mind to go there. What happened in the office was nothing like you said. She came to confront me about allowing her dad to get his hands on Terrence. She hit me and I pinned her down on the table to restrain her. Nothing happened. I said it did to offend you like you did when you said Marcelle loves Sinclair more than he does me. That shit hurts and I wanted to hurt you right back."

That is the most Nick has ever said to me.

I nodded my head. "I should have asked you before things got out of hand. I'm sorry too."

"Are we cool?"

"No we are not. Why the hell would you let Romanov take Terrence?"

He let out a sigh.

"Terrence wasn't with me when Romanov took him. Even if he was, like I told Katya, it was innevitable. The old man was hell bent on making him his heir. There was only so much I could do."

"Did you speak up against it?"


"Why not?"

"Because it was happening anyway." He got on his feet. "I hope you come around. I would hate to lose you as a friend."

I allowed him to leave. I picked up the expensive bottle of wine. He dedicated to a woman who nearly destroyed him. Love is a strange emotion. "Dad?"

"Yes mijo!" He came running.

He is always doing something. If it's not cleaning, it's cooking or waiting on me. "Take a break. Let's have the best wine money can buy."

"What was that about?" He asked after bringing over one glass of wine. "I don't drink."

"An apology." I served myself.

"Can I ask you a question? Do you refuse to be a father because of me?"

"Yeah. It was like that before I accepted Terrence. I liked his company. For the first time I wanted to be a father."

"What changed?"

"I wasn't in Malibu. I was in prison."

"No. Why? What did you do? Prison is a horrible place!"

"I refused to work for Katya's father. Katya is Lorraine, my son's mother. Her father was a mob boss. He framed me for some bad shit and I ended up in prison. That's where this happened." I showed him my scarred hand. "When I got out, I could not accept what things were. She is the daughter of the man who ruined my life and my son is following in his footsteps."

"Do you mean the mob?"


"He's... He's a child!"

"It's messed up! I don't know how to approach this! Should I tell him he can't be what his grandfather wanted? Should I support him? I'm certain of one thing only. I don't want anything to do with the mob!"

I gulped down the glass of wine.

"Mijo," he leaned forward by resting his elbows on the table. "How did you get out of prison if a mob boss out you there?"

"Katya's family saved me."

"Where was Katya?"

My head fell back. She was miserable after the funeral of her father. "Fighting her father."

"Where is he now?"


"Would you kill me to save her? I'm just like him. I was a horrible father. You don't owe me anything. Would you kill me to save her?"


"She sacrificed something for you. Why won't you sacrifice something for her?"

The Romanov Series Book #1: My Rogue Girlfriend Where stories live. Discover now